Earth Shattering CrackCreates a Mighty Crack in the Earth Knocking outward any units in it AoE the AoE then Becomes impassable for 2 minutes destroys any target building
Pack Of HOundsSends a pack of hounds down charging on the enemies (stampede)
Tainted Trees Turns a Gruop of treesd alive to damage enemies (like focre of nature but smaller area and trees cant move Use
this For trees
I think That Should do for now tell me if you dont like
here is a list of all the spell ideas on this thread
Roar of the FirehideCretes afiecre roar scarin of any enemys around making them run off
Mystic BoltFires a miystic bolt damagin aa target and reducing damage and attack
Curse of the EnragmentPlaces a curse on a unit making them invunble and making them attack ther own troopers high lvl spell
Screaming HeadCreates a screaming head on unit reducing there armour by 2 slowling them by 30% and dealing50 damage over time
Static Field (Lightning) : Gives 10% (never grows) , to generate a Lightning Shield on you and on every unit in 300 or 400 range (depending on map balancement). Lightning Shield Does not affect allied units (doesnt damage them).
Strenght Of Earth (No need too
): Passive , you gain additional Strenght (depending on map balancement) and extra HP. Additionaly , if this ability is Maxed , you become inmune to certain effects (Magics and some other buffs).
Vindicate (Light/Only castable on Heroes): Single friendly targeatable. You bless a friendly hero , so that if he gets killed , you enter a Holy Vindicator skill which gives you +20% MS , +20% damage , +20 Armor and +20% Atk Speed (Can be changed according to map balancement).
Spirit Heal (Light/Chain Spell): Send a chain of kinda spirit , healing some units and also , giving them mana (minor). Additionally , you have a 10% chances to automatically send an extra Minor Ray , which Have Half the Effect. NOTE: Minor Ray have chances to send another Minor ray so , be awate lol.
Viscious Strikes (Shadow): Passive ability , Each time you hit an enemy , you start hitting it faster and faster , increase your Atk Speed for each hit on an enemy unit (whithin the next 3 sec if you attack another) , for a maximum of 25 hits or so (dunno , i didnt calculate how far this passive can go).
Evil Spirits (Shadow): When you cast this ability , you send Evil spirits everywhere , so this evil spirits take control of the nearby Units , and , YOU also gain control of them (Heroes cant be affected). each level increase the nmber of evil spirits.
Spirt drain works just like life drain but in the area around caster takeing away tagetd units health and converting it into mana
Power drainjust the same as last one but enemies mana into health
Inner drowingDrowns a units lung in water then once the unit dies all the water comes outs damaging all around then all units effected by the explodsion then catch the inner drowing
Mass soul harvestjust same as inner drwoing but different art effects and for everyunit killed caster get 50 mana and 50 health
Burning FurySets an enemey unit on fire dealing dmage over time and changeing the unit to neutral hostile all units attacked by the target unit will burn as well and then explode (i like exploding things)
Wall of naturecreates a wall of attackable trees around the caster giving the caster some time to heal or something
Melt armourmelts an units armour reduceing down the armour and dealing damage as the molten armour burns the unit
Pit of shadowsCreates a huge pit on a target trapping all targeted units will spawning shadow spirts to consusme the targets souls
Electric sheildCreates an eltectric sheild around the caster any unit that attacks the caster will get electrocuted any unit in an area of 100 or the electrocuted unit will aslo get electrocuted and so on
Ice stormA bit like blizzard but when hit by a shard the unit will get frozen into ice then explode sending shards of ice every where stunning things
Storm Auraall freindly units in area of Blah Blah have a 10% chance on sending a lighting strike on a units zapping dealing damge and 5% chance to zapp and explode it into flames burning the area around unit
Last Resortwhen the hero gets less than 10% health it goes into a sate of rage getting less armour attackin 100% Quicker Doing 50% more damage state of rage will only last 10 sec if the hero dies in a state of rage its will explode inot hundreds of flames scroching any units around the hero putting buring fury on them and armour melt
Imsense riptideCreates a huge riptide of waves to come crashing down on the battle field smashing into enemy units knocking them for six (a phase of speach(british))and damaging them when they hit into other objects
Black box of deathCreates a black box of death that lures enemys in but when they to close the box will shoot a beam of death at them consuming there souls and healing the black box
Battle Ragethe hero will jump upon a slected unit stunning and then dealing 4x damge on unit (low level spell not two spectaluar)
Storm Shoutthe hero lets out a huge battle crys causing the sky to send beams of lighting on him which gets blocked by a magic sheild created around the hero which causes the ligthing to shatter and damage all around
Assainatesame as battle rage but instead of jumping the hero will sleath to the target (low level spell again)
Earth erupitiontagets an area where the land errupts knocking every unit in the area outwards and then implaling them as they land aslos stuns the unit
Water Spillageacts like the volcano spell but water shard and something differnt from volcano as the doddad thing
Wildfire stormSets all trees in and area on fire buring them down and damaging any units near
Black Ashes burns and then exploding an unit in red hot ashes buring units around the exploding unit
MudofieCreates a muddy marsh on an area slowing units in there when the units leave the masrh the revert back to normal speed any earth units in the mud will be healed
theses ideas are lacking i think but you can use some of the ones i did for vercas
Sheild Bashstuns and knockbacks a unit
mighty blowdoes a almight blow dealing damage to all in front of the hero (based of breath of fire with short range)
conuter attakerwhen attacked gives a 15% chance to block the damge and deal it back to the oppent
Sword throwythrows the hero sword at a target dealing high damage but hero must then go and retreve his sword before he can attack again
Replenishing drink(thinking of the footman model with drink amins)replenish the hero health with and giving him an attack speed bonus
Finishing strikeif a unit is below 10% health you can deal a finshing strike that kills the unit in 1
Burning wisdomThe hero uses the ower of his mind to burn the minds of others then exploding the target draining all the enemys mana in a area
Shade of TorrementA black shade engulfs an target dealing damage over time once unit dies a greater comes out whi hcan aslo use the shade of torrment power but instead when the units dies it creates a lesser shade (that was a bit crap)
Shadowy isullisons Creates a shadow tottem in an area that lures enemy units in but its killed another 1 pops up in the area the totems should have atleast 65 health
I think thats them all i neva knew there was so many