Revenants of Ruins

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Revenants of Ruins, Preview - YouTube by Heaven Editor posted A moment ago


Created by Heaven Editor
Map Info
Revenants of Ruins is the battle between Luminous and Overcast
to chase over the Omnipower
in an Ancient Temple.

Main Objective: Kill the Relic Revenant inside the Temple (center of the map) and
survive for 3 minutes (as starting) to achieve victory. The minute decreases everytime Relic Revenant dies.

Genre: "Strategic" Hero Arena, Capture the Flag.
Recommended players: 8 players (4v4).
Average Game Duration: Less than 1 hour.


Synergy Abilities

Every hero has unique and special skills. Everything is customized.
All heroes can make at least a powerful combo of his/her own abilities.
Therefore, there is no particular role definite for a hero.

Statue and Pillar Shops


There are also 2 types of shops. Shop that sell item and shop that sell potion and ward.

Statue Shop
Shop that sell item (mostly looks like statue, thus Statue Shops) sells many permanent items.
There are spirit birds near each of the shop that sell upgraded item.

Pillar Shop
Shop that sell power, potion and ward (looks like pillar, thus Pillar Shops) sells many charged item.

Upgrading Items

Mostly, item sold according to only one attribute type. For example, weapon is damage and wand is magic damage.
Combining item only require maximum of 2 items.

Magic Damage

Similar to magic resistance. There is also MAGIC DAMAGE. Thus, it is in percentage.
Buying magic damage item (Magical Stick) can increase your magic damage (Wishing Sphere Statue Shop).

Boat as Spawn Location

Boat can move anywhere at the edge of the island.
Therefore, your hero can spawn from any directions.
Boat can load your hero for safety, going back to base and transportation.
Boat also tells what rectify item to your hero
You also can use boat to hide leaver hero.

Glyph to Reveal and Rune to Save Life

There is powerup, glyph, tablet, rune and coin to ease your journey.

Powerup gives additional effect to heroes
Power of Abyss gives invisibility
Power of Velocity gives maximum movement speed
Power of Soul gives unmatched regeneration and restoration
Power of Destruction gives double damage
Power of Overforce gives invulnerability

Glyph gives vision
Tablet gives experience
Rune gives healing
Coin gives gold

Weather and Phenomenon

Weather affect units outside temple (located in the middle of the map).
It happens every 4 minutes.
Phenomenon affect units inside temple.
It happens when there are heroes in temple for 4 minutes.

Monsoon cause thunder to cause damage to heroes
Rain cause trees to grow that block sight
Tornado cause units to slow
Skyclear is nothing happen

Earthquake cause damage to units
Blight cause units to become stronger
Hindrance cause no spawning of units
Dephenomenon is nothing happen

Wield of Rectify

Wielding a right item can give you bonus to your abilities
Archslayer is wielding katana. Sword item can give his Torrid Sting to launch further distance.


Hero Summoning

Temple and Relic Revenant

Base and Shops

Crypt Area

Rune Area

Creep Area

Ancient Bahaman


In-game 1

In-game 2

In-game 3


Special Thanks:
  • ftr (Testing and Suggestions)
  • Ninie (Support and Donation)
  • Minesky.X Kidal (Testing and Suggestions)
  • Smileysme (Suggestions)
  • Azreen (Donation)
  • Zar (Donation)

  • viiva - User Interface

  • anonymous - netherstrike2
  • Kino - Voya Tower (Power Pillar, Pillar Shop)
  • JesusHipster - Soul Armor
  • JetFangInferno - NagaBirth models (Conqueror), Victors' Power, Glowing Aura (Wicked Presence)
  • Mythic - Spirit Arrow (Upgrade Ultrashot)
  • Power - GainLife, HarvestMana, etc. (Powers of Power Pillar)
  • DCrimson - RedThunderClap (Breaking Axe)
  • WILL THE ALMIGHTY - Ancient Explosion (Voodoo)
  • eXciTe - Feast Aura (Atropy Ritual)
  • UgoUgo - OrbOfCorruption (Shade Shift)

  • Maker
  • Blizzard Entertainment (Game)
  • Vexorian (JNPG and Map Optimizer)
  • David and Marcelo (Warcraft 3 Viewer)
  • Shadow Daemon (Button Manager)
  • neo-sluf (AI)

  • Jay the Editor (Item)
  • Peekay (Item)
  • paradise.engineeri (Item)
  • kola
  • Heinvers

  • Ardenian (Item)

  • Ardenian (Reviewer and Tester)
  • neo_sluf (General)
  • Aether [FIRST CLASS] (First Class)
  • Emm-A- (AI and Item)




Remake version of Temple in Dark Eclipse (TiDE)

Change mode trigger to several phase
Fix small bug
Add tips to help new player

Sentry Ward lasts 5 minutes
Pillar shop sells at 600 range
Improve description
Improve pathing

-Terrain and Doodads
Add doodads to water area
Add doodads to the Temple

Added camera system
Rainfall spawn tree not in random anymore
Moonsoon lightning strike less painful damage, 1% of life
Firepot can Reclaim the skeletons, making spawned skeletons died for respawning
Firepot has an ability to control gate to open/close
Firepot can shift owner to ally that own another Firepot
Skeletons will not spawn when the gate is closed
Skeletons in crypt will be removed when the gate is closed

Both teams get 6000 initially
Decrease skeletons strength
Boat recall cooldown decrease to 10 seconds from 60 seconds
Mortal Predator, Isolation cannot target allies
Edge of Blaze does not affect allies
Increase Occult Sage, Torment Ward damage
Decrease magic item percentages
Decrease health item values
Decrease armor item values
Add Glyph of Ultravision that gives spirit vision when taken
Boat can hide hero if the player leave the game
Hero is given item at beginning
Increase area sharing fountain
Increase Skeleton Witch, Frost Shatters damage
Increase skeletons spawn number
Change Mortal Predator, Immortal skill by removing slow
Improve description
Improve Phenomenon mechanic
Improve spell mechanics

Moonsoon lightning strike more painful damage, 5% of life

King of Tempest, Lightning Charge affects movements speed as well
Increase Spirit Caller, Tracking Sense duration to 12/20/30
Change Spirit Caller, Tracking Sense mechanic
Decrease Goliath, Vigorous Attack max value to 100/200/300 but increase dpd by 2/4/6
Decrease Light Bringer, Angel Flash cooldown to 30/25/10
Increase Spirit Caller, Storm Called damage to 400/700
Increase Celestial Princess, Lucent Arrow damage to 160/200/250 percent
Celestial Princess, Multishots works impact damage
Add Firepot ability, Fortification like Tower
Add Tower ability, Restore like Firepot
Fix Spirit Caller, Fire Wall with stun
Item Lightning Gripper and Stormanifer fix cooldown
Set duration on each Weather; Moonsoon - 1 minute, Rainfall - 4 minutes, Tornado - 2 minutes
Set duration on earthquake for 1 minute
Moonsoon Weather damage increase to 5%
Improve spell pathing
Improve repather
Improve item description
Improve spell description

Atok's presence is revealed at the end of the game

Change user interface with suitable theme

Increase pathability

Improve item owning condition
Boat has an ability to immediately send item to its hero
Revenant has difficulty system and abilities
Add Automatic system to Tower and Firepot
Add hero's description

Add Bird Spirits that sell upgraded items
Start time duration is change to 2 minutes instead of 1 minute
Tower has 1500 health instead of 1000
Firepot has 1000 health instead of 500
Decrease skeleton amount, increase bounty twice
Improve Skeleton Witch, Frost Shatters with mobility
Swarm Titan, Spawn Deceased attack hero only once, attack non-hero indefinitely
Pyromancer, Incinerate increase damage by twice
Add lime Fog, Blight Phenomenon
Ancient Tower no longer has reveal ability
Fix Weather Rainfall trees growing duration
Decrease Weather Tornado slow radius
Increase owning Tower and Firepot gold per second
Improve Mortal Predator, Claw Assault by increasing its range per level
Improve Death Legion, Necro Draw by increasing its radius per level
Balancing items

Change hero gameplay building; hero abilities' levels and cooldowns.
Fix leaver player when winning is in countdown
Improve game loading screen description
Fix cinematic with unpaused hero
Improve texttag
Cost extra gold to purchase from bird

Winning countdown time fix to 180.0 (3 minutes)
Fix texttag position

Camera add ability to enable or disable shortcut
Add commentary setting
Add shortcut for commentary setting
Add shortcut for tips setting

Decrease respawn time
Fix Lone Ranger, Wingmate knockback
Decrease Arcane Wizard, Arcane Fall cooldown and increase damage
Decrease Skeleton Witch, Frost Shatters radius
Balancing heroes
Change Occult Sage, Hex to agility instead of attack speed
New Hero, Brutelord
Increase skeleton's damage
Fix item's description

Gold and experience given to the owner of the firepot when its skeleton is killed

Increase Revenant's strength
Skeleton Witch, Wicked Presence only affects hero and player's unit
Reverse Damned Amok, Madness effect
Increase Celestial Princess, Multishots replenish time to 3 seconds
Improve Shadow Assassin, Blink with return target
Improve abilities description
New Hero, Sorceress

Slow down spirit birds
Fix camera system

Improve description
Increase 10 times health Atok
Change Sorceress, Adaptation to increase attributes per interval
Increase Sorceress, Water Remnant damage
Fix Brutelord, Howl
Improve lag behavior
Skeletons do not attack Firepot anymore
Add few items; Eve Feather, Moonstalker and Sunstalker

Fix corrupted event

Increase Monsoon weather damage to 10%
Increase Earthquake phenomenon damage by twice

Becomes Revenants of Ruins
Too many (demand if need the details)

Too many (demand if need the details)

-Balancing to make game easier

-Balancing heroes

-New hero, Snake Widow
-New hero, Beast Hunter
-Balancing heroes

-New gameplays
-New terrains
-New items
-Include AI

-Arrange Victor in line when cinematic

-Add level to multiboard
-Hero kill award base decrease to 50 (gold)
-Hero multi kill reduce to 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 900 (gold)
-Hero multi kill duration reduce from 30 to 15 (seconds)
-Reduce Tidal Wave damage to 6, 12, 24, 24 (impact damage)
-Reduce Tidal Wave radius to 100
-Fix Aquashield damage
-Add glyph's vision to reveal conqueror
-Reduce Fan Fangs damage to 80, 140, 200
-Reduce Ghostring max damage to 300, 500, 900
-Add Haunt effect to replace dead target to other target nearby
-Reduce Storm Called damage to 150, 300
-Increase adaptation attribute increment to 3, 6, 9
-Increase Bash cooldown to 10, 8, 6
-Decrease Storm Hammer damage to 150, 200, 250, 300
-Power Pillars sell powers

-AI pick at game ready phase
-Improve combat mechanism

-Heavy balancing and gameplay changes

-Fix Havocrave Dissever and Bloodeye Lynch
-Nerf Swarm Titan
-Balancing Feral Wolves
-Fix contact
-Increase Dust of Appearance duration
-Nerf Atok's spell damage
-Calibrate ai combat responses

-Fix Power of Destruction
-Fix Power Pillar starting sell
-Buff Grandtaur
-Calibrate ai combat running response
-Boat regain Permanent Invisibility

-Fix Haunt
-Fix item cast range
-Fix sound
-Add minimum revive time to 10
-Balance restoration
-Fix Wingmate
-Fix many descriptions

-Fix and balancing

-Nerf some heroes and fix and balancing

-Nerf some heroes and fix and balancing

-Nerf some heroes and fix and balancing

-Add the weather and phenomenon back
-Add new item, Ivory Halo
-Fix some things

-Master rebalancing

-Add 2 new heroes, First Conjurer and Volcanic Core
-Add replenishable items
-New objective gameplay

-Fix descriptions
-Add replenishable items, Land Mine and Oak's Branch
-Change Snake Widow combo
-Change Volcanic Core's Rupturing Magma
-Improve multiboard
-Fix bug with Demon-half and Aquasorceress


-Massive rebalancing (including item)
-Add new items (Vangage Expulsion, Drum of Horde, Nine Curve and Shogun's Pride)
-Change Volcanic Core's ultimate
-Fix First Conjurer skills
-Clean several systems
-Change Power Pillar concept

-Add cooldown to item Nine Curve
-Add new gameplay with item level
-Add item shortcut f2 to f5
-Add new gameplay with boat path and rolling gate
-Rolling gate open randomly at different game
-Reverse Aquasorceress first and ultimate skills

-Creep spawn every 60 seconds
-Enhanced systems
-Rolling gate only open before game start

-Remove all abilities from Relic Revenant

-Add sight blockers at Power Pillars
-Fix creep systems
-Power Pillars buying range change to 450
-Skeleton Witch Wicked Presence change effect cold
-Remove bug fatal error (insufficient storage)

-Bigger map
-New gameplay
-Add neutral hostile
-Polish system
-Polish old gameplay

-Nerf Lone Ranger's Sky Volley
-Improve item system
-Add storage that can transfer items to your hero
-Change neutral creeps
-Change rune system
-Fix certain abilities

-Balance certain heroes
-Reorganize base location
-Add more runes
-Change certain runes
-Add Power Tower

-Resolve leak

-Using old system to avoid fatal error

-Balancing heroes
-Change Wingmate mechanism
-Buff Hantu

-Set random wall opening for Hindrace Phenomenon
-Massive gameplay balancing
-Add new items
-Yggdrasil's Essence - makes hero invulnerable for 2 seconds
-Armlet of Insanity - upgrade of hyperglove

-Fix and balancing

-New Wield of Rectify (check it out!)
-New items
-Better creep and neutral
-Fix certain bugs
-Balancing certain skills

-New items' description
-Complete rectify for Guardian of the Nature and Celestial Princess
-Change Guardian of the Nature's Blend in Nature
-Improve item Larynxrage
-Improve item Arcanite Reaver
-Improve item Ralex Hawk
-Add tower aura
-Remove Serpent Ward at beginning

-Improve creep system
-Creep spawn at every minute
-Creep cannot die when attacked
-Show creep deny by "!"
-Add creep skeleton bounty
-Add creep skeleton warrior spawn count by 1
-Add creep skeleton archer spawn count by 1
-Add creep skeleton archer max spawn count by 2
-Add creep skeleton mage max spawn count by 2
-Rune spawn at every minute
-lower stun abilities
-Necro Draw no longer apply damage and heal by Death Legion's life but still cost it
-Change Frost Shatter mechanic
-Add effect to Swarm Titan when having Ground Breaker attack
-Change experience creep table

-Revert leveling system
-Optimize some system
-Reduce lagging

Map is protected. Please pm me if you found any bug, correction or suggestion.
You can email me at [email protected].
Good luck and have fun!

Useful comments and critics are totally welcomed.
They will help to improve this map so much.
Keep involved in this map and hopefully it becomes an Indie game and reach competitive level.

Thank you for downloading and playing my map.

Desynchronization for multiplayer could happen at beginning of the game has been solved.
However, if it happens, please report to me.

  • Pick a hero (based on the game mode).
  • Use hero to farm golds and get experience
  • Take Rune of Restoration to boost up your hero's health and mana
  • Take Glyph of Ultravision to see the map widely.
  • When you think your hero could engage with the Relic Revenant, order your hero to attack it.
  • Kill all four Relic Revenants and survive for a duration.
  • After the countdown finishes, wait for 30 seconds to meet Atok.

New heroes


RoR v3.2l AI+ (Map)

19:45, 29th May 2015 Shadow Fury: Map approved mostly based on Ardenian's review. I'd like to add a few other things on what he said: 1- The terrain in the shallow waters needs to be decorated with watery doodads (cattails, river rushes etc...)...




19:45, 29th May 2015
Shadow Fury: Map approved mostly based on Ardenian's review. I'd like to add a few other things on what he said:

1- The terrain in the shallow waters needs to be decorated with watery doodads (cattails, river rushes etc...)
2- Mortal Predator's skill "Isolate" seems to let Relic Revenants sleep forever and become permanently invulnerable when they are still not moving
3- Relic Revenants are too weak and lack skills. I'd suggest making them stronger and adding abilities to them as well
4- The item Edge of Blaze has a damaging aura which also damages friendly units. Fix that
5- Firepots need to be stronger, not just the Ancient Towers. Getting the possession of a crypt is a very big advantage therefore big advantages require big efforts.

Overall I think the map can be approved with a rating of 3/5. It provides a short but entertaining gameplay with its simplicity and unique marvellous skills.

After the updates, I would like to raise my rating to 4/5. Congratulations!




Personal ( unofficial) Review

Positive things I noticed:Other stuff, bugs, et cetera...:

Different heroes with custom names, creative ideas
Multi shot does not shoot through door
Many strategically abilities for towers, fire pits, heroes
Many path opportunities, 'secret' ways
Nice and colourful descriptions for abilities, items and others
Weather effects give an additional mood to the game
Creative abilities that often remind me of Dota and Hero Arena maps

You could be more creative with hero icons, use custom ones! :)
Ancient towers have no initially defences, it is too easy to capture them, maybe add a creep group or something else that prevents it being captured easily
If crypt door closes many creeps get stuck, it is annoying to free them via pit ability
Trees are often misplaced, making pathing of hero a difficult thing
Bolded words are sometimes rather random and unncecessary,
+ but they give them your own style, so don't remove them :)
Severe: Allied creeps attack themselves if spawn from different crypts, ruining gameplay. You should fix that.

  • More / different runes, only rune of restoration is boring
  • Make inside of temple more.. 'insiderish', give it a better feeling, terrain the entranced in a way they indicate the players enter a building ( shadow alone is not enough, in my opinion
  • Jump ability of Moon Princess is a bit difficult to aim, maybe one gets used to it
  • Earthquake weather is too weak :)
  • Tower reveal seems to reveal a bit too big area, in my opinion
  • Revenants could have a greater damage output

An exciting hero arena map with interesting gameplay and objectives. In its current state, it seems to be a bit simple tho. The objective is fast absolved and the map offers only a short gameplay. Nonetheless, the abilities of the heroes are very creative and offer great gameplay and tactical options, as every player wishes them. This map has a great potential, in my opinion!

Personal Rating: Recommend 4/5
Personal Status: Awaiting Update
Level 10
May 28, 2011
Thank you so much for your rating and support. Tell me how can I repay you! :)

Positive things I noticed:
+ If you noticed, I reduce the amount of random things too. No hero has random based skill. No item has percentage effect such as the basic critical or bash. :)
+ Tower can predict weather!

Other stuff, bugs, et cetera...:
1. I wish I could use custom icons, but they will increase the file size. In fact, I want all customized. :p
2. The Ancient Tower is intended to be defenseless at the beginning to allow heroes to have a location of security easily. So that, hero being chased by the enemy team can run to the tower.
3. That's annoying? Firepot should have control open/ close gate. That is for sure to be added that sir. Thank you for that!
4. Trees (rainfall weather) birth location is random so that the weather is terribly affects the game like other weathers.
5. Have to be different at some point sir. Thank you! :)
6. Purposely do not allied the skeletons because the skeleton bow only to the owner of its Firepots. I do not know this, never tested yet, if all skeletons allied by one player, is the player is going to be unstoppable. :\
We can test this. Actually, I don't have any tester yet (see credits). I want to invite you to be a tester or as someone who is actively involved in this project. This project is just born. We can shape this game to become like DotA 2! and Invite more gamers to join me!!! :)

1. I did create many runes. 9 different runes in total. But ftr says that rune is the significant feature of DotA. In order to be original, I just use 1 rune for life saving purpose only. Not significant as DotA but useful.
2. Yeah, you are right. :)
3. We will see when more gamers are playing this map. :)
4. Try earthquake after 1 minute.
5. Well, this one depends on crowd's voting. I want to see more comments on this...

Thank you so much. It lifts my spirit and motivates me to bring this project until it is recognized world wide. :)
I am doing business case for this project though. Ruins in wc3 is just a prototype. Computer entertainment companies can take a look at the business case as a proposal. ;)
Level 10
May 28, 2011
Map approved mostly based on Ardenian's review. I'd like to add a few other things on what he said:...

I cannot say how much I appreciate your kindness to approve this map. Thank you! :)
1. That is true... Will definitely decorate the water area.
2. Omg, will fix that immediately.
3. I will create a system for revenant strength for less and many players. If revenant is too strong, game is too difficult to handle as a player has to fight with another team too. Else, the game will be too easy.
4. Ops. Will fix that.
5. Easy? Okey. I will think of something that makes it not that easy.

How do I add you, Shadow Fury rep from here? I want to add. :(
Last edited:




1. I wish I could use custom icons, but they will increase the file size. In fact, I want all customized. :p
Ah, come on :) a few BTN and DISBTN for the heroes won't kill the filesize ;)

2. The Ancient Tower is intended to be defenseless at the beginning to allow heroes to have a location of security easily. So that, hero being chased by the enemy team can run to the tower.
Ah, I understand, I am too used to have a starter base.

6. Purposely do not allied the skeletons because the skeleton bow only to the owner of its Firepots. I do not know this, never tested yet, if all skeletons allied by one player, is the player is going to be unstoppable. :\
Hm, as far as I understand you have four different computer players. These four different computer players attack each other ( = skeletons). I am not sure why they do, has probably something to do with the alliance setting
1. I did create many runes. 9 different runes in total. But ftr says that rune is the significant feature of DotA. In order to be original, I just use 1 rune for life saving purpose only. Not significant as DotA but useful.
Oh, I am sorry then, I only saw Runes of Restaurations.
Level 10
May 28, 2011

Map approved with a rating of 3/5 Good job!
Thanks again. :)
I suggest you try with multiplayer sir.

Ah, come on :) a few BTN and DISBTN for the heroes won't kill the filesize ;)
I am planning for more heroes. Vote for Archmage Jaina next? :p

Hm, as far as I understand you have four different computer players. These four different computer players attack each other ( = skeletons). I am not sure why they do, has probably something to do with the alliance setting
I made them attack each other regardless you owned all their Firepots. I predicted that if they are allied when a player got all the Firepots, the player will be unstoppable and the skeletons would be mostly roaming around. Hm.

Oh, I am sorry then, I only saw Runes of Restaurations.
No sir, it just spawn only one rune, Rune of Restoration. For originality (not significant as game changing factor like in DotA), removing randomness and retaining simplicity (allow players to focus on other original features); players can focus on control points rather than taking rune.




More great and awesome heroes in mind. Ideas have been developed. Just wait to be released. Ask your friend to involve because there will be more voting! :)

But you will not name her Jaina / base her on Jaina, will you ?

Will you create a completely new hero, like you did with Moon Priestess or do you will take Jaina ( default and lore) completely as role-model for the new hero ?
Level 10
May 28, 2011
But you will not name her Jaina / base her on Jaina, will you ?

Will you create a completely new hero, like you did with Moon Priestess or do you will take Jaina ( default and lore) completely as role-model for the new hero ?

Yeah. You know it. Just the model. :)
Btw. I can't wait to release v1.2. It is more exciting and energetic! especially in Multiplayer.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Woa! Thank you! Appreciate it man :)
I thought I have to notify you. You know what, IMO I think you would not be a trial map moderator any sooner. You are suitable to be a map moderator now. :)

I already know when a map is updated because it gets "bumped" (gets at the top of the list) and I don't mind remoderating maps, especially when they have a good neat changelog like yours.
And thanks but the trial must last at least one month. We'll have to wait xD
Level 10
May 28, 2011
I already know when a map is updated because it gets "bumped" (gets at the top of the list) and I don't mind remoderating maps, especially when they have a good neat changelog like yours.
And thanks but the trial must last at least one month. We'll have to wait xD

I see, still require many efforts to look into my map though. Thanks!
Yeah, we shall wait. You will get it i'm sure. ;)




Good job with version 2.0 :)

Item purchasing has never been so easy. Is there a penalty on purchasing higher insta crafted recipes ? If not, I would suggest you to add one.
The custom interface is nice, too.

A good thing now would be an A.I. to play solo, especially for testing issues, but also to replace players in multi player, for example when teams are uneven in the lobby, but all players are to impatient to wait for additional players and such.
This is a great point I would personally like to see next.
Level 10
May 28, 2011
Good job with version 2.0 :)
Thanks man. :)
Have you seen Atok?

Item purchasing has never been so easy. Is there a penalty on purchasing higher insta crafted recipes ? If not, I would suggest you to add one.
The custom interface is nice, too.
No penalty at all. Any idea to add the penalty?
Talking about balancing, after doing some observations, I think I need to reduce the game pace. What do you think?

A good thing now would be an A.I. to play solo, especially for testing issues, but also to replace players in multi player, for example when teams are uneven in the lobby, but all players are to impatient to wait for additional players and such.
This is a great point I would personally like to see next.
Absolutely, A.I. would be so nice for many reasons. Unfortunately, I never code A.I. before. Anything that can help me to learn about it?




No penalty at all. Any idea to add the penalty?
Talking about balancing, after doing some observations, I think I need to reduce the game pace. What do you think?

Well, there should be a difference between crafting them item by item and purchasing them instantly, in my opinion.
Basically, I would suggest that you increase the prize for the final product / the instant item. So, crafting item by item would allow you to save some money.
The problem with this is that you can abuse it. I can craft low stuff and sell it to make some profit. To solve this I would suggest that only the final items ( items that cannot be crafted anymore) get a higher instant prize than the materials cost for.
Maybe someone else has an idea, too.

I don't think the game pace is too fast. You could experiment whether another pace is better, I could imagine one slower level could greatly improve the gameplay. This is something that one has to test out.

Absolutely, A.I. would be so nice for many reasons. Unfortunately, I never code A.I. before. Anything that can help me to learn about it?

Hive's tutorials contain all knowledge you need :)
Go to the tutorials section ( the link on the top left of the Hive panel), then press CTRL+F, type in AI ( capital letters!) and go for the option that takes care of the type of the letters, whether they are capital ones or not.
Then you fast face a lot of tutorials.

I cannot help you with that, it is something I never got into it as I never needed it.
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
I want to review the gameplay but I can't since it.has no AI.

So just on the UI
- Change the text on IDLE WORKERS.
- Change the text on Quest to Information or Guides or Help.

My observation
- Well made terrain!
- Ability tooltips are well made. I try the Pyromancer and I understand his skills easily. Well done.
- Enemies are balance. Even I am alone I can still kill creeps and not get overwhelmed.
- I am surprised that I started the Weather but I get affected?
- It really discouraging to start the weather if you will also suffer.

Problems needs to be fix.
- Remove the Player in the multiboard if it is an Computer. This will prevent confusion.
- Study how Preloading Files is done.
- Use Maker's ArcingFloatingText

I love designing AI for Multiplayer Arena. Try my Hero Arena Maps. If you like how the AI works tell me I will share you the code.
Level 10
May 28, 2011
I want to review the gameplay but I can't since it.has no AI.

Ouh. Would be awesome if you can. :\

So just on the UI

Thanks! You are meticulous. ^^

Thanks for your compliments!!! Really lift my spirit up.

- I am surprised that I started the Weather but I get affected?
- It really discouraging to start the weather if you will also suffer.

Good point. I should think of advantage to the caster!

- Remove the Player in the multiboard if it is an Computer. This will prevent confusion.

I see. No problem.

- Study how Preloading Files is done.
- Use Maker's ArcingFloatingText

Sure. I'll study and utilize them. This is important to for smooth and beautiful gameplay. Thanks man.

I would really appreciate if you could comment on gameplay my friend. Help me please. :)))

And I player your map. Wow. Good job on the AI. Please share to me. My first AI credit!!! :D
Level 1
Oct 16, 2015
If you still work on this.

The map does look good but i cant tell when skills do magical or physical dmg. I noticed that for some heroes it says that the skills isnt being influenced by magical but what about the rest of the heroes.
What i am asking is: can u make more clear whether a skill does physical or magical dmg?