Other way
To respawn units you will, most of times, use the same event.
A unit dies
You put the condition according to the kind of unit. Exemples:
If the unit is a hero: (Triggering Unit) is a (Hero) Equal to (True)
Is is a creep, : Owner of (Triggering Unit) equal to (Neutral Hostile)
And if are just simple player's units only change the (Neutral Hostile),in the exemple above, to the name of the player : Ower of (Triggering Unit) equal to (Player 1)
Like the event, the action is usually the same :
Create 1 (Unit-type of (Triggering Unit)) at (Unit Position *(Position of (Triggering Unit))
* You can change the position of the unit changing the "(Position of (Triggering Unit))" to the name of the area you want.