Good points:
- You tried to stick to the story, changing it accordingly to the map being for 8 players.
- You kept some treasures and items hid on the map, just like the game itself, that's good.
Bad points:
- Map has no description
- In the real game, female Gañados are stronger than male Gañados.
- You kept the treasures too stuffed at the beggining - you get too much gold at the beggining and you buy the best weapons too soon in the game -, from a point on in the map, you stop getting treasures - even though you bought already the best gun, you still need money to buy first aid sprays-, you should spread more the treasures through the map.
- Map is too BUGGED to be released in Hiveworkshop. (*) (explained later on)
- Nemesis doesn't appear in Resident Evil 4.
- Map is unbalanced.
- When you buy a gun, you can equip and pass it on for your other teammates, this shouldn't be possible. If you make it so you can't pass on for the others, then add more treasures so everyone can eventually get the Mega Blaster (There's no Mega Blaster in RE4).
- There are some Nemesis and SWAT guys in a room at the beggining of the game, they kill themselves and the archers and JJs kill the nemesis later on, before the player can actually reach that area. (**) (tip on how to solve the problem later on)
- Ada is not on the map.
- We are officers, but we could eventually meet Leon, although we don't because he's not on the map aswell.
- Difficulties change the HP of some units, not all of them. Some examples that don't change HP are bosses and male Gañados.
- Map may have some other errors, but those are the ones I found.
(*)Map is bugged: When you are in multiplayer and you enter a region with a cutscene, the more people that enter the regions, the more cutscenes will have - therefore, the whole cutscene is ruined, since most of cutscenes appears Gañados or monsters to fight. I duoed with my brother and we ended up fighting two morphed Big Chesses (Chief Mendez), not to mention the other cutscenes.
This also happen when you're on solo. Let's create a situation: You're playing the map, then you die with your last life on Saddler, you want to see what happens in the end. You put Whosyourdaddy and go on rushing till the end just to see what happens. If you're being attacked by the Gañados or any other monster, this monster also enters the region, causing the same bug.
Suggested fix (on EVERY trigger, that's what I do on my maps):
[trigger=Suggested fix]Any trigger
Something happens
Trigger - Turn of (This trigger)[/trigger]
(**)Suggested fix: Create a region which encompasses all units (JJs, archers, Nemesis and SWAT guys) and, for the example I'll name it ExRegion, do the following (create a variable for the region, I'll call it MyVariable - in order to prevent leaks / create a variable for the unit group in the region, I'll call it MyGroup - in order to prevent leaks aswell) - also, don't create the SWAT by trigger, create them there so you can pause them too:
[trigger=Suggested Fix]Any trigger
Map initialization
Set MyVariable = ExRegion <gen>
Set MyGroup = (Units in MyVariable)
Unit Group - Pick every unit in MyGroup and do (Unit - pause (Picked unit))[/trigger]
And after a unit enters this region, do this:
[trigger=Suggested Fix]Any trigger
Unit - a unit enters MyVariable
Unit Group - Pick every unit in MyGroup and do (Unit - Unpause (Picked unit))[/trigger]