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Requests for Spells/ETC. +Rep&Credits.

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Level 9
Jul 11, 2009
Hello all,
I'd like to request spells from anyone here that is good in GUI,i will give credits and +Rep of course.
Well,i could use the spells as soon as possible and i need it all in GUI&Leakless.
Best if easy to import yet easy to edit.
No channeling spells please :)

1st-Chain Hex

Description:Its like chain lightning except it hex's everyone it hits.

2nd-Chain Slow

Description:Its like chain lightning except it slows everyone it hits.

3rd-Elune Arrow(Somewhat same as dota's potm elune arrow)

Description:Shoots a arrow that goes straight until it hits a unit or reaches 1500 range,if it hits a unit,the unit is stunned for 2 seconds.


Description:Slows down everyone in 800 range of you by 20% and increasing your own speed by 10%

5th-Enhanced Starfall.

Description:A non channelling starfall.

6th-Tiger Roar

Description:Makes every hero in 500 aoe that is controlled by a player lose control of the hero for 3 seconds.

7th-Aoe Drain

Description:Drains every hero mana by 3 in a aoe of 500.

Thats all.
Thanks it advance ^^ i could use it asap.

Remember~GUI&Leakless&Non-channeling(Best if MUI and Easy to import):thumbs_up:
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Level 9
Jul 11, 2009
I'll try it now,i will rep you when i rep another 5 person,i will remember :) if i forgot do post a visitor message at my profile :)

EDIT:Could you make it castable,as in when i cast Whirlwind,every hero in 800 aoe will be slowed for 20% but my hero will increase speed by 10% and the effect lasts for around 5 seconds.
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