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Request: Unit animation backwards?

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Level 5
Jan 6, 2010
Hello, all. Is it possible to use Magos or something like that to play an animation backwards?

I'm wondering cause I'm making an ability that will raise a wall of stone that will block/hold back opponents for some time. I don't think triggering it will be an issue, but I want it look a bit epic as well;

For the actual wall I'm thinking to use the various destructible rock doodad models, which has a death animation. But I think It would look really great if the rocks sort of rose up from the ground (together with some other special effects), hence the idea is to run the death animation backwards to use as a birth animation.

Any takers, or thoughts to be shared?
Level 5
Jan 6, 2010
Thank you, this post might have solved it! I followed Pyrogasms suggestion and were able to run the animation backwards by quickly running it forward first. When using forward animation speed of 1000%, you still see the flash of the standing animation first, but churning it up to 4000%, there is no sign of this. Cool!

Test map attached if you're interested

Edit; the next challenge is to get A.I units to actually attack destructibles when useful, and then proceed with their previous goal. But that is probably for a different forum.


  • reverse animation test.w3x
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Level 5
Jan 6, 2010
Dang! While I can turn a destructible's animation speed backwards, animation speed for units seems to be minimum zero. It sounded like Pyrogasm achieved this, though. Any ideas?

(the reason I have to use units and not destructibles is so that the AI will understand that it can bash through).
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