Those of you who are famillair with UTM know what models I'm talking about.
What I'm asking is the following: I need a high resolution plane with the same texture that is being used for the stormsphere and one with the same texture of the cloudsphere. Why?
Because at this moment both are used for non-playable terrains.
What I'm trying to do is: Use the Alpha Tile to look through the terrain tiles and then put both planes underneath the map so that the player is looking at a sky floor instead of having to look to terrain tiles.
At this moment I've tryed using the stormsphere and cloudsphere by stretching them massively and moving them upwards using ctrl + page up.
But it just looks so bad
The clouds are all stretched and it doesn't really look like a sky any more, more like vague stripes.
Is it possible to do this or do I need to rely on a weird looking sky ?
(If it's impossible to use the same textures from stormsphere and cloudsphere then a nice sky texture can be used instead. I won't mind as long as it looks like a sky...)
What I'm asking is the following: I need a high resolution plane with the same texture that is being used for the stormsphere and one with the same texture of the cloudsphere. Why?
Because at this moment both are used for non-playable terrains.
What I'm trying to do is: Use the Alpha Tile to look through the terrain tiles and then put both planes underneath the map so that the player is looking at a sky floor instead of having to look to terrain tiles.
At this moment I've tryed using the stormsphere and cloudsphere by stretching them massively and moving them upwards using ctrl + page up.
But it just looks so bad
The clouds are all stretched and it doesn't really look like a sky any more, more like vague stripes.
Is it possible to do this or do I need to rely on a weird looking sky ?
(If it's impossible to use the same textures from stormsphere and cloudsphere then a nice sky texture can be used instead. I won't mind as long as it looks like a sky...)