It's a 48 hour bump on this site, not 24...
There is alot less interest in making models from commercial games then original ones as far as requests go. It takes alot of time to make a model... so unless someone is interested in the chosen character or game then they aren't going to want to make something that's already been done before.
On top of that, you say you really need this model yet your map has nothing to do with legacy of kain. You only want it because you think he is a cool character, nothing more.... you could use any other pre-made custom model with only that reasoning.
Finally, to make matters even worse you are requesting a gummi bear model for the same map! Do you really think someone is going to put in a tonne of effort to make you an awesome Raziel model just to have it thrown into an arena map with random heros like a singing bear?
I'm not saying your map is bad or that your a bad map maker or anything like that, it's just I really don't think you are considering what it would take for someone to make that compared to it's actual value in your project.