I was wondering if someone could help me out with a few models. I need a few changed into units and one portrait fixed. All the models are attached to this post.
First are the models that need proper decay flesh and decay bone animations, they are the attached: Pandaren Samurai, Pandaren Sumo, Pandaren WarDancer and the Pandaren Brewmaster + all three elements.
Second is the Pandaren Druid which needs to have the bear portrait added to the portrait file, currently it is only the Pandaren variant and not the bear form. All that needs to be done is having the in-game Polar Bear portrait added to the file much like the Druid of the Claw, or however you wish to do it.
I greatly appreciate any help given. +rep to those who help in anyway.
I was wondering if someone could help me out with a few models. I need a few changed into units and one portrait fixed. All the models are attached to this post.
First are the models that need proper decay flesh and decay bone animations, they are the attached: Pandaren Samurai, Pandaren Sumo, Pandaren WarDancer and the Pandaren Brewmaster + all three elements.
Second is the Pandaren Druid which needs to have the bear portrait added to the portrait file, currently it is only the Pandaren variant and not the bear form. All that needs to be done is having the in-game Polar Bear portrait added to the file much like the Druid of the Claw, or however you wish to do it.
I greatly appreciate any help given. +rep to those who help in anyway.
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