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- Sep 26, 2009
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There are some handle constants in common.j which can just be replaced with "null". For easy reference and distribution I have made this list.
Edit: On second thought, most of these should be avoided for readability reasons. However, if someone is developing an optimizer, then do a search for these constants and replace them with "null".
Edit: On second thought, most of these should be avoided for readability reasons. However, if someone is developing an optimizer, then do a search for these constants and replace them with "null".
constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_RED
constant playergameresult PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY
constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_PASSIVE
constant version VERSION_REIGN_OF_CHAOS
constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL
constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN //or any damage type that ignores armor, for example DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL essentially does the same thing.
constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS
constant pathingtype PATHING_TYPE_ANY
constant mapcontrol MAP_CONTROL_USER
constant placement MAP_PLACEMENT_RANDOM
constant startlocprio MAP_LOC_PRIO_LOW
constant mapdensity MAP_DENSITY_NONE
constant gamedifficulty MAP_DIFFICULTY_EASY
constant gamespeed MAP_SPEED_SLOWEST
constant playerslotstate PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_EMPTY
constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_GAME_RESULT
constant unitstate UNIT_STATE_LIFE
constant aidifficulty AI_DIFFICULTY_NEWBIE
constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_UNITS_TRAINED
constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_VICTORY
constant limitop LESS_THAN
constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_HERO
constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_PERMANENT
constant blendmode BLEND_MODE_NONE
constant blendmode BLEND_MODE_DONT_CARE
constant raritycontrol RARITY_FREQUENT
constant texmapflags TEXMAP_FLAG_NONE
constant effecttype EFFECT_TYPE_EFFECT
constant soundtype SOUND_TYPE_EFFECT
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