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Remove rally point button

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Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Hey there!

I would like to know something : is it possible to remove the rally point button which is in every builing that produce units? I just want to hide the icon (like the hidden attack button of the third tier building of Undeads), not to avoid using rally point.

Thanks in advance for your answers!
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Instead of training make it sell the unit. You might have to contend with 'Select Unit' though.

I just want to hide the button. I still want to use rally point by left-clicking. And selling instead of training will involve no training time, stocks, etc...

Try hiding it with spellbook? I'll see if it works later otherwise good luck.

I don't really understand what you mean by using spellbook...
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
You might think I'm stupid but I don't see what a Spellbook is in wc3 because I'm French, and that the translation of Spellbook in French doesn't really ring a bell for me...

EDIT : I found this, I will try and I'll keep you in touch!

+rep for helpers!

EDIT 2 : I copied/pasted triggers and abilities from the example given on the thread, the "pas book" works good but when I change spell list with Rally it doesn't work... The Rally button displays properly... Someone has an explaination?

EDIT 3 : I also found this thread that isn't really encouraging...
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I have tested it and it seems that rally isn't your ordinary ability, but rather another secret from Blizzard... I do know one method that works though, remove Rally from whatever you want then make a dummy unit with the rally ability or a dummy ability to set points to where units get trained and sent too.

Otherwise I haven't found any other method because Rally just doesn't like to stay in its books. =P Though you can still train units without Rally. Sorry that I didn't have the answer you were looking for.
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
I have tested it and it seems that rally isn't your ordinary ability, but rather another secret from Blizzard... I do know one method that works though, remove Rally from whatever you want then make a dummy unit with the rally ability or a dummy ability to set points to where units get trained and sent too.

Could you make a test map with this method please?
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