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- Sep 18, 2007
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I haven't touched WC3 in a while but decided to give it a whirl after some friends got back on. I decided to dust off an old project (make it compatible with 1.24+). When I was working on this project I knew a little bit of JASS, but now not so much. I also decided to make a Rematch function because the map is such a short battle and I thought it would be a be a good way to get back into scripting. I also decided to try to make this trigger easily transferrable to other maps.
The type of maps that this trigger is intended for is the basic "Two Armies facing each other; you win by killing their commander type."
This is the first idea I had when I thought of how to go about this, but I realize it probably is quite inefficient and full of leaks.
I used arrays to save information about the unit (position, type, owner) and the code is mostly commented to tell what is supposed to happen (and random comments to myself). Here is the code:
I combined 2 trigs into one (I was working on two different ways of trying this, but decided to ditch one of them but wanted some of the code for the one you see now.
Now for the actual problems: I get most of the units "indexed", just not the heroes (as far as I know). When one of the commanders die, the Recycling kicks in and all normal units are "removed from the map" (again, not heroes), but the units don't ever get created. The map has about 320 units (and it is considered small for this type of map) so I didn't want to create all 320 at once for fear of lag. I decided that incrementing in 30 unit groups or so would be the best bet. The "time" variable dictates how much time is elapsed before each interval of unit creation. The boolean variable is whether or not the map maker wants teams to "switch sides", but I haven't written the code for that yet.
As I said earlier I am rusty (and really never good to begin with) and I know this code is inefficient and leaky (I will wory about the leaks after I get it actually working). I am sure there are still some things I forgot to explain so just ask (uses moyack's Unit Recycler Library). Thanks in advance.
The type of maps that this trigger is intended for is the basic "Two Armies facing each other; you win by killing their commander type."
This is the first idea I had when I thought of how to go about this, but I realize it probably is quite inefficient and full of leaks.
I used arrays to save information about the unit (position, type, owner) and the code is mostly commented to tell what is supposed to happen (and random comments to myself). Here is the code:
library Rematch initializer init requires UnitRecycler
constant integer LeaderType1 = 'H000' //Unit Type Id for Leader 1 (Cao Cao)
constant integer LeaderType2 = 'H007' //Unit Type Id for Leader 2 (Ma Chao)
real array UnitX
real array UnitY
real array UnitF
integer array GameId //Type of unit
integer array UnitOwner
integer loopsave = 0 //used later on for creating units
integer loopnum = 0 //will become how many intial units there are
constant integer time = 10 //time between units being created (EX:) Player 1 Units, Wait 10 sec, Player 2 Units
constant boolean SwitchSides = true //work this in
group iGroup = CreateGroup() //group that initial units are added to (or maybe just hereos)
function HeroIndex takes nothing returns boolean
return IsUnitType(GetEnumUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_HERO)
function RematchIndex takes nothing returns nothing //does not index heroes
call GroupAddGroup(GetUnitsInRectAll(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea), iGroup)
exitwhen loopnum > CountUnitsInGroup(iGroup)
set UnitX[loopnum] = GetUnitX(GetEnumUnit())
set UnitY[loopnum] = GetUnitY(GetEnumUnit())
set UnitF[loopnum] = GetUnitFacing(GetEnumUnit())
set GameId[loopnum] = S2I(GetUnitName(GetEnumUnit()))
set UnitOwner[loopnum] = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEnumUnit()))
set loopnum = loopnum + 1
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger Rematch = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(Rematch, 0.1, false)
call TriggerAddAction( Rematch, function RematchIndex)
set Rematch = null
function RematchActions takes nothing returns nothing
//Create the units
local integer i = loopsave
exitwhen loopsave > loopsave + 30 //only 30 units will be created at one time
exitwhen loopsave > loopnum
call CreateUnitEx(Player(UnitOwner[i]), GameId[i], UnitX[i], UnitY[i], UnitF[i])
set loopsave = loopsave + 1
set i = i+1
set i = 0
if (loopsave > loopnum) then //check to see if all units have been created
set loopsave = 0
function RematchTimeOut takes nothing returns nothing //change so maybe wait is outside loop
//Wait between players getting their units created
exitwhen loopsave > loopnum
call RematchActions()
call TriggerSleepAction(time)
function RecycleActions takes nothing returns nothing
call RemoveUnitEx(GetEnumUnit())
function RecycleSetUp takes nothing returns nothing
//Recycle All Units in map
call ForGroupBJ(GetUnitsInRectAll(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea), function RecycleActions)
call RematchActions()
function LeaderCheck takes nothing returns nothing
local integer uId = GetUnitTypeId(GetDyingUnit())
if uId == LeaderType1 or uId == LeaderType2 then
call RecycleSetUp()
function InitTrig_Rematch_Lib takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger Rematch = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( Rematch, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerAddAction( Rematch, function LeaderCheck )
//set Rematch = null
I combined 2 trigs into one (I was working on two different ways of trying this, but decided to ditch one of them but wanted some of the code for the one you see now.
Now for the actual problems: I get most of the units "indexed", just not the heroes (as far as I know). When one of the commanders die, the Recycling kicks in and all normal units are "removed from the map" (again, not heroes), but the units don't ever get created. The map has about 320 units (and it is considered small for this type of map) so I didn't want to create all 320 at once for fear of lag. I decided that incrementing in 30 unit groups or so would be the best bet. The "time" variable dictates how much time is elapsed before each interval of unit creation. The boolean variable is whether or not the map maker wants teams to "switch sides", but I haven't written the code for that yet.
As I said earlier I am rusty (and really never good to begin with) and I know this code is inefficient and leaky (I will wory about the leaks after I get it actually working). I am sure there are still some things I forgot to explain so just ask (uses moyack's Unit Recycler Library). Thanks in advance.