(4 ratings)
The one I've got is still somewhat better, but this is the next-best Raptor model (that fits in Wc3) that I've seen out there.
Nice job. Nice wrap.
I'm almost more impressed by the fact that you brought Olofmoleman out of 'retirement' to answer your question.
that crest along the back and the head kinda makes him look a little derpy
can u take the photo what are you talking about. i kinda missed it.
ah........... u mean the back fin? :V
i kinda base it on MH mosnter xD. bird wyvern in MH is derpy also i think xD.
any advice to impove this model?that shouldn't stop you from further tweaking the mesh or UW..
any advice to impove this model?
Mouth Glowing at stand Channel Because it is Roaring
Ooh, that's a great idea...well that could probably be made better by just copying one of the banshee-ranger bow-sfx particles, coloring it white, and setting up to show only when it roars. then it would looks like air quivering or so..