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Reign of the Dead v.3.0.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Story: On December 6th, 2011 N.A.T.O. forces headed in Samara to help control the infection that has ravaged the world. Because of Russia's crumbling status as a nation itself China has taken actions of aggressions and invaded Russia. American, British and German forces fight their way through endless hordes of infected and wave after wave of Chinese P.L.A. military forces. Having the Russian government declare war on the western nations claiming the origin of the outbreak, military operations have been impossible to achieve.


Reign of the Dead v.3.0.0 (Map)

19:09, 20th Dec 2008 Rui: The description of the map conditioned its review process a lot. Until it is fixed, the status is set to Reviewed. Check my full review here.




19:09, 20th Dec 2008
The description of the map conditioned its review process a lot. Until it is fixed, the status is set to Reviewed. Check my full review [self=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=81663&page=2#post947922]here[/self].
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
After some extensive testing,
I Have a Huge list of things I need to Report.
-The Get to the LZ Mission, what happens when you get there? The Chopper does nothing, I think Bug.
-Heroes need a definite increase in range, The Russians and Chinese gun down any hero before the hero can see them.
-After Death you can Load, even if you already did, giving you the entire map and infinite lives.
-Needs a -clear Message to rid of the annoying load code text.
-needs a -repick for accidentally pick
-You can't load unless you pick a hero.
-Light sources should always be shown even if they aren't in your view.
-Increase Vision Radius for everyone, With a Full map, I saw a Marine Gun down a Russian and the Russian did nothing because he couldn't see the marine and he had a lower range.
-Decrease Hero Collision sizes, They can't fit through spaces they should be able to.
-Increase the Tanks Collision sizes, Or put pathing blockers in the way.
-Add Medkits, and Grenades.
-More Light Sources in different areas.
-Please, add an Auto-Casting Reload for The Sentry guns, and heroes, but if not for heroes, than just the Sentry guns, Please.
-Barricades can be walked through.
-Add a Description to the Radio Detonator. I Had no idea what it did till I tried it out.
-One the Eastern hill mission there is one Russian that is too far away. He could be left here later, because No one sees him.
-The Fire Support Class is Useless, He should Do a LOT more Damage, and have the ability to use Prone/Drop down the Legs.
-Improve Flashlight and Air Strike Descriptions
-Flame Thrower/Combat Engineer's weapon proficiency does not work.
-Increase Every ones sight distances.
-Air Strike/Speed Bonus tend to switch places.

Thank Your for a great game, =]
Keep Working on it, I Love it,
The terrain is beautiful, the AI are pretty Smart.
The Carnage is everything I could dream of.
Keep Working!
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Bug Report For 2.1.5b Tho, you just Updated.
-Player Gets Test Dwarf, I'm sure you fixed.
-fire support Still useless, to slow to keep up, fully auto useless because he is still to weak, no Prone. >_<
-If You Mess Up Your Load Code, the Selector Still Goes away.
-Still no -repick, or -clear
-Barricades still walkable through, [If you can't fix please tell me now, I'm sure it would just be pathing blockers, but if you destroy the barricades the blockers would still be there so.. Yea.]
-Sentry Gun Reload Crashes Game, Didn't see if it had auto-cast.
-The Mission where You Escort The German/British, with the tanks, The Russian Tank Will not Fire.
-The Commands in the Quest don't work,
Its a great Game!
Just, a few bugs, >w<"
Keep Working on it. =]
Oh! Also, I Didn't See a Ghost Class?
Thank you for the Great Game.
Level 3
Oct 24, 2004
Pathetic map how dare insult Russia with with this garbage. Russia is strong nation that has defeated ever invaded. Now the fastest growing economy in the world. You probably mistaken for american which fall apart soon.
Level 10
Jul 6, 2007
Well the reason why Russia collaspe is because of America. If you're not so stubborn minded and play it. During the game, you find out that American Bio Industries was doing tests in Samara due to their unethical basis. The virus then broke out and is highly contagious. It can be spread through air, blood, spit, and even the touch of the skin.

And plus, Russia's economic status isn't growing. Learn your economics; it's china. By the way Calvin, I'm fixing most of the glitches you're talking about. With the save and load, I have no clue why it crashes.
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Mkay, =]
I'm Glad to be testing your Map, I Generally love it.
But Also, With the Mission after the Protecting the Russians One, I Think I Missed the Ping, But I Couldn't find where it Was. The Documents!
Maybe add a Command that Pings the last known Target Location?
Also, When the Protecting the Russian Missions started, [I had all the map] a lot of odd People were spawned, That just stood still. Near the South, and the West.
Just thought I'd let you know,
Thanks For The Great Map! =]
Level 3
Oct 24, 2004
Dumbass learn your Economy Russia was fastest growing economy in world and was last three times at world Economic forum G8 forum and WTO forum. Ignorant fool simple research would proven that with large growing It, bio and nano sector and largest oil producer in the world.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Russia
Level 10
Jul 6, 2007
Wiki isn't reliable. I could simply go on wikipedia and type in that United States is the strongest country in the world and that the Bush Administration is actually helping the poor. Don't point fingers and call me a dumb fuck without using the right sources. Anyways my map makes Russia look good. Even in times of economic crash, their army still holds well against four invading forces. My map displays not only that the Russians are as good as any nation, it also shows that any army no matter what the economic budgeting can be brilliantly resilient to outside forces when there's a motive and when it's on their own turf.
Level 4
Jul 15, 2005
I'm too sure but each time I host it drops everyone out of the game, or server splits. It could be due to heavy custom files, but I don't know for sure. Overall the game looks great. Abit too dark in the beginning. And why does people have to base it on facts of realism inside a game where fun comes first before anything else? Sure there is some racial slurs in here but that just adding a good gameplay to it, and im pretty sure none of it is really meant to be taken seriously.
Cortezz your just overracting and need to calm down about issues like that.
Level 10
Jul 6, 2007
I honestly don't know why it splits. Could be my 200 variables and my 200 GUI i have no clue. Could be the custom files or could be all in together. BUT if you load this map with all non-laggers it's fine. It's funny, I created an anti-lagger system. What do you like/dislike about my map? And what would you like to see in it?
Level 4
Jul 15, 2005
I don't like how the game loads so long since I can't tell whos lagging or not even with a banlist tracking, and then once in game, people die in matters of second because they're new to the game and didn't know how to play. It gives a bad impression to people that this game blows or its too hard. I would suggest a way to make 2-3 Lives for several checkpoints would be great.
Custom music is great and all, but it takes up alot of space or if you can lower file size such as importing .midi sound files but im not really sure if you can import those type of files.
Have you also tried compressing the map file?
Level 10
Jul 6, 2007
No and there's Critical Stabilization packs and that skill for medics. Usually when you get two or three experts, people tend not to die as easily. Plus it goes the same for NOTDAM and SWAT. But, I do agree it's quite easy to die...I haven't exactly try to cut down on the map size considering I'm just reaching the border and at the moment I'm deleting extra imports I don't need.
Level 4
Jul 15, 2005
RotD v2.1
A helicopter gets glitched and moves to the east side of the map and stays there not sure if thats intended
Flares should give vision to others.
Some mission is too hard to do with so many massive zombies running amok.
There are a few things that just instantly kills you without any notice, not the random artilery fire missions, but something else that just 1 hit kills. If I use the action skill "Break" on NPC Marines, they start running away.
Level 4
Jul 15, 2005
RotD v2.2
Kliver XM-100F damage is abit too strong, its so dark all the time even with a flashlight on, we can't see the rocket coming toward us.
The Radio Detonader doesn't work, or it's range of detonation needs to be alot farther.
How do you win if the ammo supply cache is destroyed? Because some jerks can also break it on purpose.
Mk.9 PR-4 Generator mission is really confusing, how do you set the timer? Even when we destroy the Generator, the mission doesn't fail.
Rescueing the Pilot can only be saved by red since he is the only one who recieves control of the pilot.
Scout Sniper Binocular skill doesn't work.
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Its a great map,
But People Online, complain about 3 Things.
A."Omg! Its To Fing Dark!"
B."Its To Hard! It Sucks!"
C."What am I Supposta do?! Where are The Zombies?!"
Its a Great game, few... Balancing Issues need to be taken account for.
But Great. =]
Keep Working on it Berry!
Level 1
Dec 10, 2007
43berries ur da man on map making and am a fan of this map plays it every day with my friend but we connot survive :p
well could u do that wen every bodys dies then the host can say -restart then the game restart and the darkness is anoying make it brighter a bit and why wen u put on flashlight then if u wanna turn it off but u cant do that why?
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
""Omg! Its To Fing Dark!"
? Use flashlight...."

I'm right now I'm at a Level 24 Fire Support, for proof, ask Berry himself,
I Believe the Flashlight radius is fine, People just want a Non-Challenging game!
This is a great game for people looking for something realistic and with a sense of challenge.
I Would be, eh, Professional Hoster for Berry.
Anyways, Berry, The NV is a good Idea,
and I'll get my computer back up, =/
Sooner or later. >w<"
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Mozzletoff? xD
Sorry Mate, my Computer Completely fried.
I dunno why, But it was something I was doing with red tho, Blame him! >w<"!
You better Keep working on this while I'm gone!
I'm Better come back to a brand new version that has Shinies! =D
Looks like those Screenshots I was going to take might have to wait, >_<
Keep Working on it.
Level 2
Jan 27, 2008
I would only ask that you replace the flashlight w/ nightvision goggles, more realistic, and they are a shitload more effective for night sight
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Thats true, because even gun fire emits light,
Which means blindness with NV on, But, Maybe not replace the Light, but add NV, And make it blinding with gun fire and stuff, so players will try to steer clear from it, Only vs Russians and the Chinese,
But it will be useful for outrunning and avoiding the zombies?
Just some thoughts. =D
Level 1
Aug 10, 2008
very good map i just have one problem and thats the server split. I thought it had dissappeared when i got the newest version but its still there.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
I am sure this is a great map, as the group of testers I was in seemed to like it. But I had two problems. First, that I couldnt see merely anything at all do to the too thick bluish fog, and the second, that my pc experienced heavy load constantly having 0.2 fps which is unplayable. Now don't say, get a new pc, because I am aware of the fact that the pc is old. However, I have never experienced it before... normally it goes down to 15fps and not lower. So the question is how inefficient your triggers are, or if you are using a bunch of sounds and music variables which is lagging the game. Anyhow, you should look through the code again perhaps.

Overall I will not rate it since I couldn't play it. But I am sure it should get approved.
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Rui's review ("Reign of the Dead" v3.0.0)
Pluses and Minuses
√ Terrain
√ Imported Material
√ Originality
√ Spelling & Grammar
√ Bug-free

+/- Hive Workshop requirements
+/- Re-playing worth
+/- Machine/Net-friendly

(X) Fun Factor/Gameplay
(X) Balance
(X) Packaging
(X) Object Editor work quality
"Reign of the Dead" is a modern warfare map by 43berries. You are a NATO soldier, and you have to pick your class and fight the Russian forces, as well as infected zombies.

I'd like to describe my game experience: first, I selected the class (of course). Then I followed some soldiers, got hit and died. My allies could not do anything because the area where I died was under heavy fire. For this reason, my test lasted only a few minutes, and I apologize for not being able to dedicate the necessary time for your map.

The map seemed bug-free and it looks original. The terrain was pretty OK, the imports were necessary, I guess. Even though, you overstuffed the map, and I'll get into it next.

There are plenty of things that do not look appealing, and thus you get a minus on the packaging. Your map has no minimap picture, but that doesn't downgrade it at all. What downgrades it is the large size (3.8MB, nowadays people don't like waiting), the Nonedescript map description (on the actual map data), and mostly, the Hive Workshop description, which
isn't informative at all gameplay-wise. Improve it, so that people will know what to do and won't die in the first minutes of the game.That piece of text concerned the packaging, only. I have to scold you for the traditional passive buttons on active abilities too.
Apart from that, I guess it's all. Until you fix that description, this map will not be approved.
This resource is rated 2/5 (Lacking) by me, and is set to Reviewed until the description is fixed.