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Redoing the UV mapping of a model

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Level 1
Feb 22, 2008

Ok i have looked for post about this but cant find one.

I modded a model with model editor but becoz of the UV map the textures on the model look realy bad. So how and with what program can i edit the UV map of the model. I dont have alot of exp with war3 modding so im still a noob.

Step by step what i have to do please some one.
Level 1
Feb 22, 2008
Thanks you 2.

I did have that program but i werent able to select the vertex points but nevermind that i came right.

So i moved the uv mapping around and it looks better , but i think my prop is i used model editor to "translate" the back of the model so that it has a "Hide". I was wondering if there is a better way, MB like adding a object(the hide) and attach it to the back of the unit. This i think would work better so tht the hide can have its own texture...

Can this be done? how? and PLease.
You help would....Help me alot:smile:
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