I'm trying to get "cleaving attack" work with ranged attacks.
I use this armor detection system: http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=105849
This is the first time I use JASS, so I'm not sure how to handle these problems:
The code is working so far, spreading damage the way it should. The problem with #1 is, this will trigger with EVERY attack and spell. It should trigger only when using the "normal" attack.
This is the code I got so far:
I'm trying to get "cleaving attack" work with ranged attacks.
I use this armor detection system: http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=105849
This is the first time I use JASS, so I'm not sure how to handle these problems:
- How do I figure out if the damaged unit was attacked by a melee/ranged attack
How do I figure out if the attack type was not spell/magic/chaos...
- will this be MUI? what do I need to change?
The code is working so far, spreading damage the way it should. The problem with #1 is, this will trigger with EVERY attack and spell. It should trigger only when using the "normal" attack.
This is the code I got so far:
scope CleaveSplash initializer Init
private trigger TRG = CreateTrigger()
boolean already_cleaved = false // this shall prevent the "UnitIsDamaged" event to be called infinite by "call UnitDamageTarget"
private function PreloadUnits takes nothing returns boolean
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(TRG, GetFilterUnit(), EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)
return true
private function RunConditions takes nothing returns boolean
return (GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetEventDamageSource(),'ANca') > 0) and (already_cleaved == false)
private function Run takes nothing returns nothing
//local real f = GetFullDamage(d, a)
//local real r = GetReducedDamage(f, a)
local unit target = GetTriggerUnit() // attacked unit
local location loc = GetUnitLoc(target) // position of attacked unit, from where the AE will be applied
local unit attacker = GetEventDamageSource() // attacking unit
local integer ab_lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(attacker,'ANca') // the ability level of the attacking unit; the higher, the more dmg is spread
local real d = GetEventDamage() // used for GetFullDamage()
local real a = GetUnitArmor(target) // used for GetFullDamage, T is used to calculate armor
local real dmg = GetFullDamage(d,a) // FULL damage or REDUCED damage to spread nearby??
local real cleave_dmg
local group enemies = CreateGroup() // ALL units around the attacked unit (allies included)
local real aoe = 200. // Area of effect
local unit temp_unit // temp unit used in the loop
local integer i = 0 // loop integer
// damage code here ---------------------------->
call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(enemies, loc, aoe, null) // pickes all units in "aoe" range of "target" unit
call GroupRemoveUnit(enemies,attacker) // removes the "attacker", so he won't harm himself
set cleave_dmg = ((I2R(ab_lvl)*25 + 5)/100)*dmg // recalculates the spread dmg, based on the ability level [1: 30%; 2: 55%; 3: 80%]
set already_cleaved = true
set temp_unit = FirstOfGroup(enemies)
exitwhen temp_unit == null
call UnitDamageTarget(attacker, temp_unit, cleave_dmg, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
call GroupRemoveUnit(enemies, temp_unit)
set already_cleaved = false
// damage code end ---------------------------->
call BJDebugMsg("------------------------")
call BJDebugMsg("Damage spread: "+R2S(cleave_dmg))
//call BJDebugMsg("Base Damage: "+R2S(f))
//call BJDebugMsg("Calc'd Damage: "+R2S(r))
// -------------- Leaks
call RemoveLocation(loc)
call DestroyGroup(enemies)
// null
set loc = null
set target = null
set temp_unit = null
set attacker = null
set enemies = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local rect r = GetWorldBounds()
local group g = CreateGroup()
call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, r, Condition(function PreloadUnits))
call TriggerAddCondition(TRG, Condition(function RunConditions))
call TriggerAddAction(TRG, function Run)
call RemoveRect(r)
call DestroyGroup(g)
set g = null
set r = null