a few days ago i bought a new ram,the same company and model as the one i have,a Kingmax mpxd4-ddr1g400
separate the rams have 1 gb,but when i put both of them onto the motherboard
my system has a total of 1,5 gb of ram
thinking that the slot were the problem i swapped their placement on the slots,but to no resolve,tested the old ram i had on the,until then unused slot,and it had 1gb,alone
but,in PCWizzard,with both ram installed,it shows me that i have 2gb of physical ram memory
but anywhere else i look in my system(dxdiag,bios,etc) it shows that i have 1,5gb
aside from that since i installed the new ram,my computer started to work slower,loading stuff slower,and even freezing if i open more than 3-4 programs at once
my motherboard is an Asus p5rd1-vm
separate the rams have 1 gb,but when i put both of them onto the motherboard
my system has a total of 1,5 gb of ram
thinking that the slot were the problem i swapped their placement on the slots,but to no resolve,tested the old ram i had on the,until then unused slot,and it had 1gb,alone
but,in PCWizzard,with both ram installed,it shows me that i have 2gb of physical ram memory
but anywhere else i look in my system(dxdiag,bios,etc) it shows that i have 1,5gb
aside from that since i installed the new ram,my computer started to work slower,loading stuff slower,and even freezing if i open more than 3-4 programs at once
my motherboard is an Asus p5rd1-vm