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[Trigger] raise terrian

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Level 3
Jan 4, 2007
Is the terrain raised in the World Editor or the Game?

If it is raised in the World Editor, the water level needs to be considered 'shallow water' this is usually one terrain drop lowered in water. All units can walk on shallow water.

If it's raised in the Game via trigger then it depends on what level you have it set at originally that the pathing map takes as input. If you raise the water [in game] from deep [world editor] then the Game takes the pre-calculated pathing map.

[Workaround #1]: Use shallow water and raise from there. Since all units can walk on shallow this works decently.

[Workaround #2]: Use deep water BUT set all units to amphibious. This way your units will swim in deep water and walk on shallow/land. This requires the most work for the best looking effect as you have to set all buildings to be able to be built on water which also leads to some issues with determining if the building is actually in water, if you don't want it to be.
Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
well that dont work either i tried foing that for another thing and i was just thinking of ideas of how to do that without platforms its when u build a building lets say a farm a platform forms around it that u can wlak on
Level 12
Jul 11, 2007
you mean a spell that raises terrain from water? So setting it in-game... You could make it only be shallow water, lower it in-game to make it deep, and then raise it in-game to make it an island that you can walk on, but that sort of reverse your problem, doesn't it?
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