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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is a Very basic beta test of the map i've put my own little © on it so please dont steal them map i dont mind about the systems too much but do credit me.

This is based loosely around a semi-limitless melee style of gameplay with a hint towards Medievil:Total was style combat.

The main attraction of this map is a free-form camera system that I feel allows much greater control and viewing and seems ot work fairly effortlessly (for me at least).

It also features squad based unit control and large army battles, bit like villiage builder with a kick-ass camera system I suppose and squads so you can actually control your army.

Will update as more features are added/fixed.

This is an [OPEN BETA].

beta ragnoss villiage builder

Ragnoss (Map)

03:55, 25th Jun 2008 Septimus: -no description -no tooltips no explanation only for that rejected but - the camera system crashes: land disapears and you can only see sky After seeing this review by mini moderator devinearmy, this map is...




03:55, 25th Jun 2008

-no description
-no tooltips no explanation
only for that rejected
- the camera system crashes: land disapears and you can only see sky

After seeing this review by mini moderator devinearmy, this map is rejected with no further test been done on it.
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
How will a copywright symbol stop people stealing your work? You actually have to get a copywright for that to do anything (as far as I know). If you want to protect your map, use a map protector or Vexorian's Map Optimiser. Using these tools will allow you to seal your map. If you seal your maps, make sure you put that in your Submitters Description.

Please edit in a description of your map. Your description should include things like
-Minimum and Maximum number of players
-Style of map
-Main objectives (if applicable)

If you are doing something like a LOAP, Maul or AoS, you should include details as to why is is different from others in your Submitters Description.