Questions about WoW Models- Animations

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Level 13
Jun 3, 2004
Let me preface this by stating that i've never played WoW, i don't own WoW, and i don't have access to the WoW model viewer. All that i know is what i've gathered from working on all the models that have been uploaded through this site-

that being said

Can anyone tell me about some of the WoW model animations- for instance- the human models (uploaded to this site) all have basically the same set of attacks and such (2 1-hand/shield, 2 2-handed close attacks, 2 punch attacks) Are there more for the human model? I mostly care about in the types of attacks, ei- is there sets of anims for dual wield or even polearm type weapons and such?

same goes for elves and undead (the orcs too, but they seem better balanced)

What WoW model's anims is Tenebis basing his Ragnar (hammer, especially) model from (i've noticed he bases some of them off of WoW models sometimes). or even for that matter, the Dark-Knight model...

Are the models directly ripped from the game and posted here simply not player models and therefore have limited animations? Or is this a decision by the "extractor" to save space? I am curious, as a modeler, to this because i'd like to avoid redundancy in my models' animation, which is tough because of the inability to swap anims. Thanks again!
Level 6
May 19, 2004
The character models has something like 200-220 animations if I remember right.
Keeping them all would make the model to big for use in wc3 and therefore most "extractors" tend to remove them.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
I think there are two animations for each attacking type, and two different directions, IE: Left or right. Also, stabbing weapons have seperate animations, and each race has its own seperate animations to another
Level 9
Apr 28, 2006
Hey Miseracord, I dunno if you remember me (I fixed some of the bugs in your demois3 model) but ive recently downloaded your new "crusader" model. Just wanted to say its excellent as usual, execpt that it has no attachment points i.e spells such as bloodlust divine shield etc wont work on it because of this (the buff fx have nowhere to attach to)
Because I needed to be able to do this ive made some changes to your model file. I added a heroglow, and crated all the proper attachment points wc3 uses to attach buff effcets n stuff, I also made it so he has an animation when he csts a spell now and fixed the portrait. If your intrested in this "hero friendly" version of your model send me a mail to [email protected] and i'll send it to you so you can re-upload it under your own anme to the masses. Thanks for the great work. (I'm looking into WoW models myself now!)
Level 5
Apr 26, 2006
There are many animations. To be exact, 118 on most character models.

There are different animations for attacking.

2 handed weapon (and offhand), 2 handed large weapon (such as a staff or polearm), 1 handed weapon (and offhand), unarmed, throwing weapons, bows, and guns.

All the same apply with ready animations, the animations used in game before you are close enough to attack the target.

There's a walk animation, run animation, sprint animation, and various stand animations.

Most animations are pointless to WoW, especially emote animations, such as dancing and waving, and so forth.

Many creature models do not have nearly as many animations. The most I've seen is probably around 15.

I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything if much.
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