Queen Sinestralis Fortress v 1.04

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Queen Sinestralis Fortress


This is a 128x128 melee map designed for 2vs2 players or FFA. It is designed with the dungeon tile set in combination with some Outland tiles. Here we find a natural place with a shadow fortress in the center.

Neutrals and creeps

-12 gold mines (4 Bases: 12500 gold; 4 in the fortress with 16500 gold, 4 with 12500 outside the fortress gold),
-4 goblin markets defended with orange creeps
-4 unguarded taverns.
-4 mercenary camp defended with orange creeps
-4 unguarded gates
1 random building defended with a red creep (the random building can be: Health Fountain, Mana Fountain, Marketplace)

Creeps amount
- 12 green creeps (3 per player)
- 24 orange creeps (4 in goblin markets, 4 in mercenary camps, 12 in goldmines, 4 defending nothing)
- 1 red creep (1 in the random central building)


-The way-gates allow to reach the diagonal enemy faster.
- A point of conflict may be the green creeps. You may try to go further and camp the enemy creeps but watch your back.
- The expansion goldmines outside are easy to defend with 1 path, but the inside goldmines have two path.
-If the center building is a marketplace, it will be important to reach the center and buy to boost the heroes. If not, the gameplay will be more focused, outside with the goblin markets.
- All starting bases have 3 path, two laterals that goes to the green creeps, goblin markets and goldmines. And the center path allows you to do flanking manouvers and reach the taverns.
-You can build towers in the center but in limited buildable terrain slots.

Fictional hystory
Every map I create may have fictional history behind its creation, the enviroment will have relation with the fictional history.

The Sayaad are the species of winged deamons wich the succbi race originate. They are predominantly loyal to the Burning Legion. There is no information of the males of this specie, it is unknown if male sayaad existed, who they would properly be called Incubi. Incubi were mentioned in The Last Guardian.
After the fall of Archimonde and the failure of the Burning Legion, many warlocks choose a succubus as fellow companion.
Sinestralis participed in the Burning Legion invasion. After that she returned to Outland and created a small but strong domain proclaiming her self as queen. To avoid the attack of others enemies, she made a pact with a powerfull deamon from the abyss . In exchange of becoming h servant, the deamon grant her with a shadow fortress. But this fortress, is not only made of stone, it is a living thing, an extension of the abyss.The walls have many eyes and many tentacles. The great deamon it self watch the fortress and has a great hunger.

No imported matierial has been used, only WC3 preset elements


Version 1.00 upload
Version 1.01
-Center red creep and the goldmines orange creeps, the outside fortress, did not have anti air capacity. Changed that.
Version 1.02
- In the decritption says 4 goldmines of 16500 gold, my bad, I had 1 goldmine of 16500 and 3 of 12500, fixed now all the 4 have the same amount 16500.
- Changed goblin markets creeps positions a bit, not big thing.
Version 1.03
-Trees with no gaps, ajusted loot and + 4 orange creeps
Version 1.04
-violet outside goldmine expansion had more gold than the others 3. Fixed.

Map made by Ragnaros17

Image design by Zephyrius2412

Queen Sinestralis Fortress (Map)

Pretty interestingly difficult map with all those chaos units even on tier 1 :D It's great that you can engage freely in the middle with large ground armies. 1. Filename too long. Cannot see it in the game without renaming it. 2. Shouldn't the camps...
Level 29
May 21, 2013

status: none

v 1.02

note: if you open the editor, and see something really weird floating, is the deamon of the abyss, don´t ask me to delete it because he is gonna anger. wa wa wa wa. It won´t interfere the gamplay, you won´t notice him unless you rotate the camara at the edge.



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Level 29
May 21, 2013
what happened is I had a really bad lag when submiting, and now I see is empty. The main image .blp was upload but the map not, that was weird.

It's strange because when I download the file there is the .rar, a folder in the .rar, and in this folder there is only the readme but not the map... :ugly:

edit: fixed you can download ok

thanks for spot

If a map is melee and the color is either red or blue, then the map is yours.

Thats right :cool:2
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Pretty interestingly difficult map with all those chaos units even on tier 1 :D
It's great that you can engage freely in the middle with large ground armies.

1. Filename too long. Cannot see it in the game without renaming it.
2. Shouldn't the camps guarding the shops have higher camp range?
3. Aw man, you used Sludges as doodads :)
4. One of the mines (southeast) protected by two Eredar Sorcerrors and a Maiden of Pain has 16500 instead of 12500 like the others.

Also, this map might give you the idea of creating one based on the Old Gods theme.

Awaiting Update.


Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!
Level 29
May 21, 2013
Pretty interestingly difficult map with all those chaos units even on tier 1 :D
It's great that you can engage freely in the middle with large ground armies.

1. Filename too long. Cannot see it in the game without renaming it.
2. Shouldn't the camps guarding the shops have higher camp range?
3. Aw man, you used Sludges as doodads :)
4. One of the mines (southeast) protected by two Eredar Sorcerrors and a Maiden of Pain has 16500 instead of 12500 like the others.

Also, this map might give you the idea of creating one based on the Old Gods theme.

Awaiting Update.


Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!

1) I wanted to call the map Queen Sinestralis Shadow Fortress but I restrained myself.

2) that probably would be important if the terrain is buildable, in order to avoid tower rush, but all my terrain is not buildable
I am following the standard that the market creeps are put in camp mode.
check for example the first place map of the contest, Thawing Snow, the market, creeps in camp mode


3) No, I did not, they are black fast moving tentacles, if you can´t see the head and the teeth, if because they are not :)

4) Gonna check, that, thanks for checking and spot.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
check for example the first place map of the contest, Thawing Snow, the market, creeps in camp mode
True, however, you can't get to the shop without them attacking whilst from what I remember on your map, there was some space between the last creep on each margin of the group and the terrain cliff/water/doodad nearest to it.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
True, however, you can't get to the shop without them attacking whilst from what I remember on your map, there was some space between the last creep on each margin of the group and the terrain cliff/water/doodad nearest to it.

Exactly you can´t get to the shop mua ha ha ha unless you attack the creeps, I am so evil,

But now Im serius, do you think this is an Issue?, do you want them more near the shop?,
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Level 29
May 21, 2013
I would put them as near to the shop as possible because otherwise there would be no reason for creeps to be there. Blademasters can buy items in Wind Walk anyways :D


edit about the gold

the description says, 4 goldmines of 16500, since they are with level 18 creep

an the inside of the fortress are with 12500 with level 14 creep

so I missed that 3 outside must have 16500 XD

edit: updated, both things the goblin shops and the goldmines things

Version 1.03
-Trees with no gaps, ajusted loot and + 4 orange creeps

Version 1.04
- fixed gold in goldmine.
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Level 5
May 23, 2015
is fictional history, but yes I based on that character.
Cool, maybe make an altered melee version with her in it?

With other demon servants alongside her, 3 or 4 Quees with her would make an amazing Neutral creep camp them Charming half player army would be fun.

Or maybe make a map in wich u control her and other players got kill her.

I'd prefer both :D