Now hiring for Quarantine.
Im am looking for anyone with the following skills:
-> Good coder (vJASS and GUI)
-> Good mapper (skins/icons/tiles etc.)
Quarantine is a Survival/Horror type game. The game basically starts off with a group of players in a space ship. Over time a player will become infected and must try to infect all of the human players. Shops are scattered around the space ship for players to purchase items. As people become infected they turn into a zombie and must infect the rest of the players.
The atmosphere is a lot like Dead Space Arena. The arena (map) is all sci-fi like, with lots of futuristic doodads. Outside the map is a space terrain to make the game feel like your stranded
I got lots of the terrain/skins/and a good UI all ready and set to be implemented into the map.
Just message me or post a comment if you are interested. I got lots of ideas and a good map so far to build on. Recruiters will be credited in game. Thanks.