Purification Setup
Map initialization
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-------- Excuse me for my terrible English. I am getting better to every moment. --------
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-------- Necessary ability so that the functions of my spell are activated: --------
Set PN_Ability = Purification
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-------- Area of effect of the spell so that it gets right additional units: --------
Set PN_AoE[1] = 200.00
Set PN_AoE[2] = 275.00
Set PN_AoE[3] = 325.00
-------- Observation: the indexes/arrays indicate the properties of the spell at each level. --------
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-------- Damage/cure caused by this spell for additional units: --------
Set PN_Damage_AoE[1] = 0.20
Set PN_Damage_AoE[2] = 0.45
Set PN_Damage_AoE[3] = 0.65
-------- Observation: the indexes/arrays indicate the properties of the spell at each level. --------
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-------- Cure/Damage low caused by this spell for the only target: --------
Set PN_Damage_Min[1] = 140.00
Set PN_Damage_Min[2] = 250.00
Set PN_Damage_Min[3] = 340.00
-------- Observation: the indexes/arrays indicate the properties of the spell at each level. --------
-------- Cure/Damage max caused by this spell for the only target: --------
Set PN_Damage_Max[1] = 220.00
Set PN_Damage_Max[2] = 315.00
Set PN_Damage_Max[3] = 460.00
-------- Observation: the indexes/arrays indicate the properties of the spell at each level. --------
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-------- Damage extra caused by this spell: --------
Set PN_Damage_Extra[1] = 1.15
Set PN_Damage_Extra[2] = 1.22
Set PN_Damage_Extra[3] = 1.32
-------- Note: 1.15 are equal to 115% of the normal damage caused for additional units. --------
-------- Like this, the other values are equal to 122% and 132%. --------
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-------- Attack type and damage caused by this spell in the moment of punishing the enemies of Caster* : --------
Set PN_Type_Attack = Spells
Set PN_Type_Damage = Divine
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-------- * Caster: Unit any that works a certain spell / ability. In this case, it is the unit that works the ability Purification. --------
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-------- Name of the models used for the creation of the special effects: --------
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Set PN_Model[0] = Abilities\Spells\Human\Resurrect\ResurrectTarget.mdl
Set PN_Model[1] = Abilities\Spells\Human\HolyBolt\HolyBoltSpecialArt.mdl
Set PN_Model[2] = Abilities\Spells\Other\HealingSpray\HealBottleMissile.mdl
Set PN_Model[3] = Abilities\Spells\Other\Incinerate\FireLordDeathExplode.mdl
Set PN_Model[4] = Abilities\Spells\Other\Transmute\GoldBottleMissile.mdl
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-------- ALL of the properties of my spell (as damage/heal, area of effect ...) they are FREE for they be modified. --------
-------- However, thank Losam (Me) for my work. Thank you for the understanding nice people! --------
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-------- To reduce the leg that can cause Trigger, use the following custom script: --------
Custom script: call DestroyTrigger (GetTriggeringTrigger())
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