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Project Orc

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Level 4
May 12, 2012
This is a trilogy of campaigns starring a young orc who was fathered and lost by thrall, he was shattered when he thought his son was klled, and never spoke of it, when he heard that the small orc encampment where his 1 month year old son was, it was raided and pillaged, but his mother and the boy escaped and the boy ended up living his life without knowing his father, or even knowing who he is, for the mother never spoke of him. This is the story of the path of knowledge, strength, honor, and pride this orc takes finding thrall. the real campign name will be revealed to memebers of my team, i need the following team members
trigger editor
sound editor
voice actors
model maker
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Level 4
May 12, 2012
We play as the son, i have a great ending planned btw :p, and itll be like the rexxar campiagn, plenty of awesome cinematics and fun comabt (this is my first campign :grin: dont expect much in the first addition)
Level 3
Jan 17, 2009
Maybe you're taking bit too big bite? Try something simpler, make one fully complete map that has part of those features you're going to add to the campaign.

Make a demo map for yourself and to everyone else, show that what you can do and what you except from your team.

Make sure that you CAN do this, dont except people to do it for you.

Personal opinion about the story: Dont take Thrall into it, keep it unrelated to Thrall and rest of the gang, you dont have to fit it into Warcraft 3 world offically at all, but it can still be great. I just think it fits better, and gives you opportunity to be original with the characters.

Anyway, gl.
Level 11
Jan 17, 2009
I wanna take the triggers, but imma noob at cinematics.
I wanna do skins, but imma can only do error and recoloured skins.
I wanna voice act, but imma havent got a mic.
I wanna model, but imma can only do square plain one coloured boxes.

In short imma is an all-noob.
Level 4
May 12, 2012
Jael is porbably right, maybe it is too big, and well, muti if i have all noobie team this will suck bigtime, and if u skin for me, it might screw up my machine bad, ima do a demo first like jael said. but i just joined and i not only wanted to get a campign done (me love campiging) i wanna get to know some of the faces we know and love here at the hive, ima demo it, but i cant use alotta skins, my worldeditior keeps messing up when i got the skins, do i need photoshop for using skins? plz answer that...
Level 4
May 12, 2012
well about the time i said id start an rpg i found various problems with world editor... so ive barely started my first project, so if anyone wants to join my campaign team your joining for future refrence, kay?
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