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Probs -> implementated stuff

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Level 3
Feb 26, 2005
the usual stuff:
I am making a map with Tons of custom stuff,
first with the idea of something High Definition Warcraft, where everything looks better and there are maybe some new heroes.
But after times I changed my goals(boredom)(or how its written) and now i reworked Undead and Human with a System like in the game "Warrior Kings Battles";
You choose a race, but what you build determines what you finnaly can build, maybe choose b. legion, source, or whatever.
To come to the point, I worked on it maybe 10 weeks, with space between that (i started about November 2004)
I implemented lots of Stuff and (mostly befor that)
the creep rebellion race with the installer(hope thats no problem)


everything was working 3 months ago, now i worked on it 4 , maybe 3 days, implemented maybe 2 new models, and tried to test the map again(after the 3 months)
nearly 30% of the custom models and skins are failing,
and im sure that 25 of this 30% worked befor,
The CR race was working completly(installer version, i don't change other peoples work so often) and there are models failing too!:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

is it possible that with the newest version of wc3 the map isn't working anymore?:?: :?:

btw the custom sound crashed completely, i deleted them now in order to save space.
Level 7
Mar 12, 2006
Das hatte ich auch mal mit einer Map an der ich über einen langen Zeitraum gebastelt hatte.
Wollte sie nach mehreren Monaten weiter machen aber es hat nicht mit der neuen Warcraft Version hingehauen.
Ich hab damals dann alles gefixed.
Was funktioniert denn genau mit den Models nicht ?
Sind die garnicht mehr importiert oder sind vielleicht nur die Pfadangaben nicht mehr richtig ?


I experienced a very similar problem with one of my maps and i had to converse it step by step for the new Warcraft Patch.
Maybe something fucked up the imported files path and therefore it is no longer working

Apocalypse Dude
Level 3
Feb 26, 2005

Also, das Problem ist: Im Editor funktionieren 1 oder 2 models nicht!
wenn ich das Spiel starte, sind große Mengen Models und icons weg!
geh ich dann wieder in den Editor, bleiben die meisten verschwunden, aber nicht alle!

the models and skins disappear when testing a map, most of them stay abstinent when going back 2 the editor!
only MOST!

PS: is there a way t reduce the filesize drasticaly?
the mapis more than 12 Megabyte and i don't have the time and the skill to reduce every single skin to a good size (ok, not this topic)
Level 7
Mar 12, 2006
12 mb thats alot
You will have to size every single file down or remove some of the not necessarily needed ones.
Which units are unsing the models ? And what happens to them ingame ?
Yesterday i had two units owned by player 15 which always dissapeared in game (was caused by a special efect laying on them)
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