Problems converting model files.

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Level 3
Jun 24, 2004
I have good .3ds and .obj model files, but when I use the (3DS/OBJ)->MDX converter, like the one that is in the plug-in section of WC3 Map Utilities, I come accross error after error. First off, when I try and convert my .3ds to .mdx, the converter closes on me. When I convert the .obj to .mdx, the conversion is completed, but only to find my model completely disfigured beyong recognition and when used on a map, crashes wc3 severely. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Is there a better converter out there?
Level 3
Jun 25, 2004
the problem first tell me do you use Milkshape 3D ??? and you use the MDX => OBJ converter so you can change the model ??? and then you are converting the OBJ back to a MDX with 3DS/OBJ => MDX and then it dont work ???

becaures if thats the problem then its easy to tell you whats wrong. but I dont have a solution.

the problem is that when you convert the MDX to a OBJ file then its not converting the animations data because a OBJ file dont... let say that OBJ file dont know what it is. so if you do what I tell you now it will work but it will allway be a Statue because the aminations data didn't come with the convertsen sorry I had that problem my self.
but if you want to make it work (atlessed as a Statue) then download a program navned WinMPQ. I dont know here you download t but searcth at and you will find it. now open WinMPQ and in the menu you puss "file" and then "open" now you find you war3.mpq file (it is in the folder where you installed Warcraft 3´

now you can see the files of WARCRAFT 3.

now puss "add" in the menu. a new window will pop up and now you find you model. then you find it and you have puss open it the window a new window will pop up and you write exampel:
Units\(the race it is)\yourmodelname\youmodelname.mdx
now you open a WARCRAFT 3 map and inport the model (if you don't know what I mean by that then its bad)
you model has no need for paths
if you have a skin the inport the way (in the Warcraft map) now you save you map and open it again.


I hope you can use it
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