- Joined
- Jan 14, 2005
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- 73
Attempting to create an RPG map in sc2, Theres a few things Im having trouble with since Im not used to the data editor. Anyway I have Increased the site of the model for the
"Field Gate (Straight Horizontal BF)" , and "Field Gate (Straight Vertical LF)"
Now I have a trigger that Opens and closes those gates (by using Order Unit (Open/Close))
However It would seem that If I open and close the gate more then 3-5 times It sticks open, And each time It opens Or Closes The Gate gets moved offset to the Right (East).
EDIT: I just found out that IT ONLY does this For my Horizontal gates, And im thinking now they stick open because they move too close too another unit but Im not really sure
Since I have very little of an idea as to how the data editor works and barely noticed i had succeeded in increasing the size of the unit Im assuming that its the cause of my moving Gate. However I no longer remember what it was that i changed I Will take a look at it and see whats up.
PS:While Im at it, Might as well ask this as well.
How Do i center the view of a player over a point on the map? When i use
"Field Gate (Straight Horizontal BF)" , and "Field Gate (Straight Vertical LF)"
Now I have a trigger that Opens and closes those gates (by using Order Unit (Open/Close))
However It would seem that If I open and close the gate more then 3-5 times It sticks open, And each time It opens Or Closes The Gate gets moved offset to the Right (East).
EDIT: I just found out that IT ONLY does this For my Horizontal gates, And im thinking now they stick open because they move too close too another unit but Im not really sure
Gate Open North
- Unit - Any Unit Enters a distance of 3.0 from Gate (Straight Horizontal BF) [128.00, 142.00]
- Local Variables
- (Owner of (Triggering unit)) != 15
- Variable - Set GateUnits[0] = (GateUnits[0] + 1)
- Unit - Order Gate (Straight Horizontal BF) [128.00, 142.00] to ( Open Gate) (Replace Existing Orders)
Gate Close North
- Unit - Any Unit Leaves a distance of 3.0 from Gate (Straight Horizontal BF) [128.00, 142.00]
- Local Variables
- (Owner of (Triggering unit)) != 15
- Variable - Set GateUnits[0] = (GateUnits[0] - 1)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
- GateUnits[0] == 0
- Unit - Order Gate (Straight Horizontal BF) [128.00, 142.00] to ( Close Gate) (Replace Existing Orders)
- Else
Since I have very little of an idea as to how the data editor works and barely noticed i had succeeded in increasing the size of the unit Im assuming that its the cause of my moving Gate. However I no longer remember what it was that i changed I Will take a look at it and see whats up.
PS:While Im at it, Might as well ask this as well.
How Do i center the view of a player over a point on the map? When i use
Center Camera
- Timer - Elapsed time is 5.0 Game Time seconds
Local Variables
- PlayerNumber = 0 <Integer>
- Conditions
Player Group - For each player PlayerNumber in (All players) do (Actions)
- Camera - Make the camera look at (Center of (Entire map)) for player PlayerNumber over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity, 0% deceleration
Player Group - For each player PlayerNumber in (All players) do (Actions)
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