Problem with custom model texture - The whole thing is team color

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Level 5
Apr 26, 2006
The model is working fine, animations, everything. However, the model is completely team colored, and I know it's not the texture's problem, the alpha layer is completely white. Besides, if I don't upload the texture it still looks the same.

In 3ds max, I had the texture set as a .tga, but of course WC3 won't be using that texture. Could that potentially be causing the problem? If so, how do I fix it?


Edit: Before someone says something like "did you set the texture in the .mdl?", yes, I did. The model was created in Autodesk 3ds max 9 and the texture was created in Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Edit 2: I'm using 'Dex to export the model (which works fine).
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Level 5
Apr 26, 2006
I've been trying to figure out the problem, but something I find odd: Warcraft 3 Viewer sees the model fine, textured and all.

Still no ideas? (this place hasn't been helpful lately...)
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
And? I also use magos editor. Here's what I did for one of my models to make his shoulders team color. I made the shoulders separate meshes/groups in Milkshape but u can do that with max (u need to make the parts as separate meshes regroup them so that they are not part of the main body and each separate). For the model I used the main texture to skin it and then imported another bmp/tga file as another texture while in Milkshape/3dsmax just for the shoulders. When the model is ready and you open it with Magos editor: In Material manager create a new ID - Replaceable ID 1. Then for each of the geosets - you have to see which geocet is each of the shoulder/the part you want to be team colored coz they are like Geoset01358. When you find the right mesh e.g shoulder, go to Texture manager and where you see the texture you added specially for team color while in milkshape/max, create a new texture with 'New' and double click it - there where you select which blp to use make it Replaceable ID 1. Click ok and move that new texture up, the Replaceable ID should be above the other texture (you added from Gmax). Your Replc ID must be None there were you select alpha/blend/additive/modulate and the other texture must be modulate/alpha depending on how light/dark do you want it to look. Remember - I'm talking about adding the Repl ID 1 to the mesh that needs team color, you don't touch the main texture that you use for the non-team color body.

Sry Magos is not working on that laptop, I cannot say exactly. Here's a tip: it is very hard to learn which mesh uses which texture when all are numbers and letters but - make sure the meshes that need team color use the 2nd skin you added for teamcolor, no the main for the body. Or better - make sure the body does not use the team color texture and that u havent added Repl ID to the texture that is for the main body.
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