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Prime Matron

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
The Prime Matron, a model I started about a month ago. I lost my Internet Connection but is now back again so here it is. Inspired by both the Diablo 1 Succubus (that crazy topless one... good times) and the WoW Succubus. My first scratch-made model out of Milkshape3d plus finishing touches and visuals from Magos Model Editor.


The one Succubus that decided to make its own path and not be a pawn. Though showing decisiveness, it's all motivated by play, like all the others.

Object Editor Art Stats

Use Demoness art stats in the Object Editor, w/ exception to one anim w/c you are free to use or not use, called the "Spell Special" anim. Another exception is "Death" Anim time, try 2-3 seconds and it should be fine.

Please Do not edit this model nor distribute to other sites without my permission. Please give me credit when you use it, I'm dickxunder

Succubus, Wing, Female

((EDIT from 2017)) I apologize for not being able to reply to emails and PM's asking for permission to use my models for their maps. I did not expect my old models to still be catching some attention, and you are all very kind to have taken a moment of your time to try and contact me.

Should've made this edit years ago: NO NEED TO ASK FOR MY PERMISSION. But, as always, GIVE CREDIT when using my works or any other resource you stumble upon from this site.

Thank you. :)

Prime Matron (Model)

17:49, 24th Apr 2009 Dan van Ohllus: - Approved - Works ingame very well, and this model deserves a DC for following reasons... - Lovely and sexy mesh. - Great quality textures. - Epic animations. - Awesome effects. Congrats, dickxunder...
Level 2
Jan 19, 2008
Haha, this is the type of shit that would make WC3 an M rated game. This is awesome. 5/5
Level 4
Jul 29, 2009
*t* !
AMMaaaaaziiiiing !!I am in love with it :)
But seriously it is an awsome model not because it is soo Beautiful but because of the perfect praticles and the animations especially the Spell stand animations!5/5
Oh and the wings are soo great too with the glowing effect.
Level 2
Mar 3, 2009
OMG This model is awesome , textures quality is so good!!! Even though they running animation is kinda strange and the attack with hair is even stranger o_O i give 5/5 Omg dude Good Job :O
Last edited:
Level 5
Mar 26, 2008
Originally Posted by Pyramidhe@d View Post
nobody even looked at the face probably :)
i think the face is fine
Yeah, everyone is staring at the boobs.... like they are 12 years old or something

it looks really stupid when everyone goes ZOMG BOOBS BEST MODEL EVAR!!!!11!

Nothing wrong with the face so far as I can tell. It does have nice boobs, but also nice waist, hips and legs. However, I think that if we treat as nothing more than a finely made sculpture, we can all stay sane.
Level 5
Sep 29, 2008
That tail o_O it's growing out of her buttcheeks and not her spine! Maybe she ate a lizard whole? pretty good model, though
Level 4
Oct 22, 2004
Not only is this one of the best models here but for a scratch made model you really got Blizzard's style captured.
Level 1
Jan 23, 2010
Most sexiest and detailed model I've ever seen.
Will you do that kind of model for Elves or Dwarves ?????

Level 7
Jan 18, 2010
Shweet model, using it in my map. Rated 5/5 for extreme anatomical accuracy.

I got a problem with an animation though, which is:

When i try to give the unit a spell and change the spell animation names in object editor to use the "Spell Special" animation, what happens in game is that half the time she's playing the "Spell Special" anim and half the time it's the "Spell" anim (the spell anim is the one where she's dropping on her knees and waving her non-whip-holding hand in front of her).

Since the 2 animations are quite different, it ends up looking bad so I'll be using the Channel animation for the spell, which doesn't produce this problem. Still, I'm curious about this, so I thought I'd give a shout.
Level 1
Jun 24, 2010
Great model. For all the right reasons :) No but seriously, its a great model. It looks like it could be an angel, but it looks evil enough to also be a demon. Great work.
Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
When i try to give the unit a spell and change the spell animation names in object editor to use the "Spell Special" animation, what happens in game is that half the time she's playing the "Spell Special" anim and half the time it's the "Spell" anim (the spell anim is the one where she's dropping on her knees and waving her non-whip-holding hand in front of her).

Since the 2 animations are quite different, it ends up looking bad so I'll be using the Channel animation for the spell, which doesn't produce this problem. Still, I'm curious about this, so I thought I'd give a shout.
I've been having this issue, too, and I can't seem to make her cast the spell at the end of the Spell Special animation. Any solution?
Level 2
Oct 5, 2010
LOL.. very nice job.. I wish I could do something like that. If I may ask, how long it took you to make this?:vw_wtf: I am new here, and starting modeling heh.. But no idea how to begin... :goblin_cry:I have already some little experience with Blender (making in GMax now), but I am not sure.. But that it's REALLY good work..:goblin_good_job: