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Prime Matron WIP

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Level 15
Sep 6, 2008

Hello, That WIP up there seems nearly done but its messy still with unwelded stuff and not yet animated. This is potentially my first model that is actually scratch-made. It's my favorite kind of demon, a Succubus I call Prime Matron, a cross between Diblo 1 (that crazy, super-controversial, bare breasted monster) and WoW Succubus.

Days earlier I was looking for standard procedures on scratch-made modeling until I found this cool tutorial by DevineArmyhttp://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f283/making-humanbody-scratch-milkshape-3d-110990/. Reading along the comments on the tut, I see the word "chamfer" I always knew what that means and maybe Milkshape has that but well the thing is, it doesn't.

I did the model using the box-method as instructed by the tutorial, its tough but the model is actually taking shape now, hence the method works... old school. I designed this first on paper, since generating a shape in 3D w/o 2D reference is always hard for me. Basically, the model is made the same way as the tut but with more rows and columns of extruded boxes.

Its impossible to box-model high poly's, (model w/ a thousand or so poly's on its hand alone) that is reserved for my heroes in the big-League (3DS, Lightwave, Maya etc. adept people). I hope owners of Milkshape try to make higher poly animated models, well, for the fun and relative freedom of it. This model has 1400 poly's and will be little more or much less later... have to admit, its still technically low-poly but its my raw, limit right now.
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Level 15
Sep 6, 2008
This is your first ever scratch made model?
nice one! erally awesome!

you dont know what chamfer is, or where it is in milkshape? i didnt get the question right...

1400 Polies is okay i guess! but it wont blend with other wc3 units so well!

for real highpoly you could still download (a trial) of ZBrush or Mudbox for sculpting!

Milky has no chamfers, poor me, Thanks for recommending some software though. I'll choose one of those... or if I'm lucky, afford 3DS... I dunno but thanks dude.


Skin Reviewer
Level 25
Mar 12, 2008
I see the word "chamfer" I always knew what that means and maybe Milkshape has that but well the thing is, it doesn't.

Gmax, another free modeling program (it's basically a 'lite' version of 3dsmax) has chamfer as well as most other features (extrude, target weld, etc). Not so crash hot for animation I've heard, but you could always create the mesh in Gmax, export, then reimport into Milkshape for rigging and animation :)
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