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Poll:Lost, Heroes, or House

Favorite Show?

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Level 6
Aug 24, 2007
I've grown out of House. It's basically the same thing every episode. They have a patient to cure, some traumatic stress, Dr. Foreman gets proven wrong, and House makes some sort of smart joke and cures the patient. (Did you know Hugh Laurie has never watched a single episode of House?)

I love Heroes. Great plot for the first season, but once it got to Season 2... It wasn't as good as the first season.

Lost has always kept me in suspense. Always delivers something good every episode. Definitely my favorite.
Lost without a doubt. I mean, once you've watched all 3 seasons around 3 times, it's still bloody awesome. It has an awesome plot, heaps of mysteries (adds to the awesomeness) and always something new happens, ie. others come, but for Walt, not Aaron, then Henry IS an other, Naomi crashes and tells them they're all dead ... But the best thing ... the hatches!
Level 2
Feb 8, 2008
Meh, none of them excite me. Why restrict to three options?
And if you only have three options, why the bloody hell would Scrubs not be one? Because it would dominate the vote indefinitely? :p

very true... xD scrubs is like mah sencond favorite show ever :] along with the office :] but yes heroes has my heart x3 clariepoo<33 :drool: XD

i pretty much hate house but since alot of people like it i thought id throw it on here...
Level 2
Feb 8, 2008
yes Jacob is rather insane ;3 in a crazy old ghosty kinda way xD i could do with out the black smoke myslef but it still adds some vibe to the story i say
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
The story is still interesting (although it seems like no secrets have been releaved...), but what I don't like is the fiction part now... I prefered when they were just castaways trying to get off the island. Now they're castaways trying to fight evil demon polar bears with spirits and black smoke monsters up their butts.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Out of the three, I'd say House. But in all TV shows evuh I'd have Blackadder, Torchwood, Brit stuffs really (and the side of Simpsons, Seinfeld and the occasional King of Queens).

But back to the point, owning the first season myself, House is great and the story line is quite nice.
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
The 3 shows are very different and all have their merits. I enjoy watching all of them. Lost and Heroes are on the same channel for me, and Lost is on pretty late. Heroes used to compete with House, but changed the day it was shown on.

House is my favourite because Hugh Laurie brings a British wit that is rarely available in American Comedy.

Lost is cool because it draws me in every episode but the most recent offering, which has only had 2 episodes here so far, is wierd. I've heard that time travel and spirits are going to play a big part. I think it is loosing touch. When Hugo ran across the beach for a celebratory "bomb" into the ocean, I think slo-mo was a bad idea.

Heroes is like a live action comic book so it is a lot of fun to watch but I think it uses a little too much cliche, it repeats powers (either everyone has one power or everyone has different powers) and it move along sporadically. Sometimes it is really quick, then it slows right down.

Wow, that was a long winded speech.
Level 7
Mar 6, 2007
I like Lost, it's wierd but good 2 watch, i used 2 watch house but got bored of it, and heros 2 me is just plan dumb.
House, hands down. House is still funny and still twisted with his antics, and its just so laughable to see whta he is going to do next. I will admit I only saw a few episodes of heroes, but the show is just strangely confusing for me to follow. As for lost, Id place it at the bottom of the list of these, as the plot and depth has been in a serious decline after...the third season I think it was?
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