Poison HeadCrab
by JB_McKnight
Hey guys!
This is the Poison Version of the Classic HeadCrab I made. All of which are based from the Half-Life series. Both the Poison and Fast Variations of the HeadCrabs were modified from the classic model (by myself, and of course, with my own permission).
This is the Poison HeadCrab version. Yes, I also made the Fast and Classic HeadCrab Variations, go look for them.
I'm extremely glad to say that I also included it's ATTACHMENT FORM as the Model's Portrait File.
I made the entire model, including it's animations, and as well as the texture.
I don't have anything to ask in return other than to Give credits when used, and to ask for my permission before editing(NOT AFTER).
>Deathsound has been added
>Decay Flesh and Decay Bone animations added
>Hand+Left Attachment fixed
>Added Stand Medium and Large Animations to the attachment form of the unit
half-life half life headcrab head crab headhumper humper brain poison toxic hl zombify head hugger headhugger