Imagine the following scenario:
Now even though the timer is released (recycled), which should pause the timer (which it doesn't for some reason).
It seems that call BJDebugMsg(I2S(hurray.itteration)) displays a continuous negative value even after the timer is released and the struct is destroyed.
Now here comes the strange part: when I create a new struct and a new timer for some reason someCondition seems to be still true because it instantly destroys the new struct and restarts counting downwards.
Does anybody have an idea why this keeps happening?
EDIT: Nevermind my question, please ignore this thread I see that I did something very stupid in my code
I exidentally
no sh!t the timer didn't stop...
Problem solved. My mistake. If someone could close this thread it would be appreciated.
scope myScope initializer init
private myStruct globalHurray = 0
struct myStruct
integer itteration = 1
boolean someCondition
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
set this.itteration = 0
set this.someCondition = false
private function enumFunc takes nothing returns nothing
local myStruct hurray = globalHurray
set hurray.someCondition = true
set globalHurray = hurray
private function timerFunc takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local myStruct hurray = GetTimerData(t)
set globalHurray = hurray
call EnumDestructablesInRect(some kinda rect, some kinda filter, function enumFunc)
call BJDebugMsg(I2S(hurray.itteration))
if (!someCondition) then
set hurray.itteration = hurray.itteration + 1
set hurray.itteration = hurray.itteration - 1
if (hurray.itteration == 0) then
call BJDebugMsg("stop this nonsense")
call hurray.destroy()
call ReleaseTimer(t)
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = NewTimer()
local myStruct hurray = myStruct.Create()
call SetTimerData(t, hurray)
call TimerStart(t, 0.2, true, function timerFunc)
Now even though the timer is released (recycled), which should pause the timer (which it doesn't for some reason).
It seems that call BJDebugMsg(I2S(hurray.itteration)) displays a continuous negative value even after the timer is released and the struct is destroyed.
Now here comes the strange part: when I create a new struct and a new timer for some reason someCondition seems to be still true because it instantly destroys the new struct and restarts counting downwards.
Does anybody have an idea why this keeps happening?
EDIT: Nevermind my question, please ignore this thread I see that I did something very stupid in my code
I exidentally
set t = null
if (hurray.itteration == 0) then
call BJDebugMsg("stop this nonsense")
call hurray.destroy()
call ReleaseTimer(t)
Problem solved. My mistake. If someone could close this thread it would be appreciated.
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