Player get randomly disconnected

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Level 6
Aug 19, 2006
i have a problem with my td map and i know that there are a lot threads about this but i couldnt find a solution for my problem.

the problem is that sometimes players get a random disconnect but i cant see a reason for it. its always just 1 player and its always an other point in the game. (and yes they got disconnect, no leave) so its nearly impossible to figure out if it is caused by a trigger.

i heared it´s maybe memory leak but the map doesnt lag and you cant see any signs that someone will be disconnected. so how can this happen and why is it so random? and how can i fix it?
Level 9
Nov 27, 2004
make at every part of your trigger this thing:
Text-Show text to "host" (trigger name)

at the first trigger just add
for 1 to 12
if name of player(integer A) = your name at
then set "host" = player(Integer A)

Then you'll may fredomly watch debug messages
Level 6
Aug 19, 2006
i have just one pan camera trigger at the start of the game but each player has his single pan to his startposition and at this point no one got ever disconnected.

and i must set this
"make at every part of your trigger this thing:
Text-Show text to "host" (trigger name)"
after each action in each trigger or how do you mean it?

and i dont know if this is a serversplit because a serversplit is more like: you have 4 player - split - and then 2 player in one game and the other 2 in another game, but in this case 1 player just gets: "waiting for host" - "connection lost"
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