Player current gold multiboard

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Level 7
Feb 23, 2020
I have problem tracking the individual players current gold, the multiboard itself works fine if i should delete the gold tracking and set it to 5 columns, so why cant it track the gold properly?

  • Create the Multiboard
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 30.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn on Gold Tracker <gen>
      • Set VariableSet MultiBoard_Players = (Number of players in (All players matching (((Matching player) slot status) Equal to Is playing).))
      • Multiboard - Create a multiboard with 6 columns and (MultiBoard_Players + 2) rows, titled Game Statistics.
      • Set VariableSet MultiBoard = (Last created multiboard)
      • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 1, row 1 to |cff0080FFPlayer na...
      • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 2, row 1 to |cff00FF00Kills|r
      • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 3, row 1 to |cffFF0000Deaths|r
      • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 4, row 1 to Damage Dealt
      • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 5, row 1 to |cff808000Damage Ta...
      • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 6, row 1 to |cffffd700Current G...
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to (MultiBoard_Players + 2), do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Multiboard - Set the display style for MultiBoard item in column 1, row (Integer A) to Show text and Hide icons
          • Multiboard - Set the display style for MultiBoard item in column 2, row (Integer A) to Show text and Hide icons
          • Multiboard - Set the display style for MultiBoard item in column 3, row (Integer A) to Show text and Hide icons
          • Multiboard - Set the display style for MultiBoard item in column 4, row (Integer A) to Show text and Hide icons
          • Multiboard - Set the display style for MultiBoard item in column 5, row (Integer A) to Show text and Hide icons
          • Multiboard - Set the display style for MultiBoard item in column 6, row (Integer A) to Show text and Hide icons
          • Multiboard - Set the width for MultiBoard item in column 1, row (Integer A) to 7.00% of the total screen width
          • Multiboard - Set the width for MultiBoard item in column 2, row (Integer A) to 3.00% of the total screen width
          • Multiboard - Set the width for MultiBoard item in column 3, row (Integer A) to 4.00% of the total screen width
          • Multiboard - Set the width for MultiBoard item in column 4, row (Integer A) to 8.00% of the total screen width
          • Multiboard - Set the width for MultiBoard item in column 5, row (Integer A) to 8.00% of the total screen width
          • Multiboard - Set the width for MultiBoard item in column 6, row (Integer A) to 8.00% of the total screen width
      • Set VariableSet List = 6
      • Player Group - Pick every player in Forces[1] and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • ((Picked player) slot status) Equal to Is playing
              • (Picked player) Not equal to Player 10 (Light Blue)
              • (Picked player) Not equal to Player 12 (Brown)
            • Then - Actions
              • Set VariableSet Multiboard_Spots[(Player number of (Picked player))] = List
              • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 1, row List to (Color_Text[(Player number of (Picked player))] + ((Name of (Picked player)) + |r))
              • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 2, row List to (|cff00FF00 + 0|r)
              • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 3, row List to (|cffFF0000 + 0|r)
              • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 4, row List to (<Empty String> + 0)
              • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 5, row List to (|cff808000 + 0|r)
              • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 6, row List to (|cffffd700 + 0|r)
              • Set VariableSet List = (List + 1)
            • Else - Actions
      • Multiboard - Show MultiBoard
      • Multiboard - Maximize MultiBoard
  • Gold Tracker
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.50 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Player Group - Pick every player in Forces[1] and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Multiboard - Set the text for MultiBoard item in column 6, row Multiboard_Spots[(Player number of (Picked player))] to (|cffffd700 + ((String(((Picked player) Current gold))) + |r))
And this is the result with the gold tracking

And without the gold tracking
Level 6
Jul 2, 2013
Setting gold should be easy. I ain't pro but, your gold tracker triggers doesn't look so good,
1)Event could be every 5 sec so it runs less and cause less lag,

2)after changing smth on multiboard, u should hide and show it again so it shows correctly. If that doesn't work tell us again.

3)Or just send me demo map with your multiboard I will fix it `-`
Level 7
Feb 23, 2020
Setting gold should be easy. I ain't pro but, your gold tracker triggers doesn't look so good,
1)Event could be every 5 sec so it runs less and cause less lag,

2)after changing smth on multiboard, u should hide and show it again so it shows correctly. If that doesn't work tell us again.

I manged to fix it, i changed the Set VariableSet List = 6, to 5. Although i have no clue to why that worked.
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