Play Custom Maps Problem!

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Level 2
Jun 3, 2011
aloha hiveworkshop! i need some help with some of the custom maps from hiveworkshop i try to play ^^ this problem only occurs on some maps, for instance...

you know how when you begin the game, the menu is pulled up by chains? well, when i play that custom map, the menu will get pulled up... but then it will come back down back to the map configuration screen... is the clear? if so please help me out :) if not, i will try my best to clarify :) thank you!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If the map is old (check last update date) it might not run on the lattest version of WC3. This is due to a patch that was released which altered the JASS syntax so a commonly used bug was no longer possible (raises a syntax error now which prevents the map from running).

If you could report such maps it might help map moderators find and remove them so future people like you are not exposed to maps which do not work.
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