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Planet Wars V2.2

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: StoPCampinGn00b
「Planet Wars」

By WarriorX
Planet Wars is an Altered Melee Map for 10 Players.
Pick a Race, colonize planets and destroy your enemies.
Note: Playable Map Size is Actually 346x346.
Race Select

In Space

Some Units for Human Race

Some Units for Tigerian Race

Some Units for Alien Race

Boss Creep Protected by Minions

Rough Terrain to build Gold Mine on
Models, Textures & Buttons:
AlienAntFarm, Coxxon, Fingolfin, Frankster, Freddyk,
Mr.Goblin, Shockwave, Wertyn, Callahan, -Grendel,
tee.dubs, Pyritie & The_Silent

Stacking System for DNA:


V1.0 - 06/06/2014
First Map. Uploaded to Epicwar

V2.0 - 27/06/2014
Minor Updates:
Added a casting time for Land & Take Off.
Changed Creep Spawing abit.
Fixed a few leaks.
Removed a lost Wisp near Murlocs on Planet Agroth.
Changed a few Names & Descriptions.
Lowered Gold Mine's Gold Amount.

Major Updates:
Implemented Alien Race with their own flying units.
Changed Tank & added 2 more for Humans.
Added unique siege units for each race.
Added defenders for the Transport Ship.
Added 2 new spaceships buildable by Humans & Tigerians.
Added more Research & Units for Humans.

V2.1 - 29/06/2014
Quick Update:
Made a few buildings and units smaller.
Made some Houses cheaper.
Added some defenseless creatures for Aliens to bully.
Increased Gold Mine amount. (Mines had far too little gold)
Increased DNA drops.
Map Reveal bug fixed.
Humans & Tigerians now need Advanced Technology Research to build Ships and Siege units.
Upgrading Human Armory now removes Medieval Weapons.

V2.2a - 10/07/2014
Tigerian Race is now known as Beastial Race.
Limited creep spawning. (Creeps won't overspawn anymore.)
Alien's Morphling has a Take Over ability.
Beastial Race has 4 new units.

Map Description Generator 「By Vengeancekael」

melee, planet, alien, human, beast, space, planet wars

Planet Wars V2.2 (Map)

10:17, 19th Jul 2014 Orcnet: As StoPCampinGn00b's Review
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
It's strange how you mix footmen and swordmen with modern tanks. I think it's unsuitable. Whether all modern or all medivial, not a mix of both which seems very strange.
I notice also that the terrain at the boss creep is pretty bad. Flat and made with one tile.
This map needs some refinements. Once they're done, I'll review this map.
Level 2
May 9, 2014
Before I review the map. I have some issues.

How can we kill the creep camps, especially the rough dirt ones? I'm having a hard time with my brother. We teamed up.
Try to attack their spawn buildings first, if the building is destroyed they will not be able spawn anymore units when you are near them. After that you then use your armies to destroy the remaining creeps.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Try to attack their spawn buildings first, if the building is destroyed they will not be able spawn anymore units when you are near them. After that you then use your armies to destroy the remaining creeps.

It's still so much, i already noticed it spawns when you're around. Am I missing something that has the strength to kill them that doesn't cost gold?

I want to allow your map to he approved, but I can't even get gold on some of the planets. Bot of them were grassy, and one was ice. My brother managed to get one easily on a barrens like planet.
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Level 2
May 9, 2014
It's still so much, i already noticed it spawbs when you're around. Am I missing something that has the strength to kill them that doesn't cost gold?

I want to allow your map to he approved, but I can't even get gold on some of the planets. Bot of them were grassy, and one was ice. My brother managed to get one easily on a barrens like planet.
The best planets to start on are the big ones, there are 13 of them. Each big planet has an unprotected mining area somewhere near the landing zone where you can build a mine. The smaller planets near the big ones are their moons and they are only supposed to be targeted later in the game when you got a big enough army. I'm going to upload an updated version of the map now that fixes some of the bugs.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Official THW Map Review

PLANET WARS (version 2.2)

Gameplay & Entertainment: 10/20
Tiles & Terrain: 6/10
Doodads & Scenery: 5/10
Bugs & Consistency: 1/5
Description & Presentation: 2/5
Total Score: 23/50

Gameplay & Entertainment: I gave you a gameplay score, flat out average. The main reason is, the concept and style of your map is great, the base of the gameplay is fun. But it is overly-complex and annoying at times for new comers. Especially for a map trying to follow and altered melee style. And of course, the space tile looks awesome.

At the start of the game, players choose a race and find a planet to call their home, alone or with team mates. You land on your planet, and you notice a few things. There are quite a few creeps all around the map. The first time playing it, I engaged. I got beat so easily, as I didn't know creeps spawn rather quickly when you are near the camp. The creeps also have to far of an attack radius. In day they will attack without them even in your vision. Please either make the vision wider, or put the creeps to camp (double click and check it). Side note, i found a way to counter your spawn system. I go around with start air unit killing the camps/neutral buildings off at night only because I felt it was too difficult to creep.

Getting to know the buildings, units, and techtrees are a little slow to learn. It would help a lot if you have an announcement saying for example: Tip #1 After building your main building, don't build first and harvest lumber. After that make a gold mine. OR have an announcement: see the quest log to know how to start in the map. The reason I urge for noob friendly-ness is because this is new, there are no veterans except if you had people test this a lot for you.

As for balance, I only worked together in LAN. I played all races, but Beastial (Tigerian) the most. I find getting items for some units (mostly alien) to be very slow paced. I'm not saying to remove the whole system though. Just a thought.

One funny thing about this map is, I get lost. I do know only the bottom left corner is the place where the planets are. I just started fresh, and I can't remember the names of the planets! Please have an indicator on what planet you are on. Perhaps putting the planets name as text near the landing zone/spawn would be one of the best ideas.

Overall, the map is fun to a point but has many flaws. Odd choice of units and races but I don't score on weirdness.


Tiles & Terrain: The terrain around the map are solely based on which planet the tiles are on. I believe is a tool that many map makers with "different terrain zones" to allow more tiles than allowed. 2 tiles make up most planets, excluding the rock for the mountain and gold mining areas. If you can't mix the tiles anymore, correct me on this.

As for the use of leveling, the rivers are made well, the mountains not so much.

The layout of the map isn't bad at all. Planets are spread out enough, and space is the right size. I don't have a problem with how the planet terrain is arranged either.


Doodads & Scenery: The environment on the maps aren't exactly barren, but aren't flourishing either. Simple environmental doodads are spread out across each planet, in fewer numbers. Doodads are mainly placed near cliffs or trees. It's fine to put some in the middle of plains, but more in those areas will make it look better!

There are indigenous species on every planet. Why not give them some love besides a single hut per group. For murlocs, put some corals near their coast. Trolls, add some tribal doodads like a pierced skulls.

Space looks pretty rad though, with moons and stuff.


Bugs & Consistency: These are minor ones:

-Many (or all) of the flying spaceships don't have projectiles
-Beastial: After some time, newly trained workers automatically die when coming out of the main building. Food is enough
-Beastial: When the rexxar like hero uses Weretiger, you are able to make new mainbases. If even one of the bases get destroyed, GG
-Beastial: Already have workshop, can't get bombard tower


-Human race finished, Beastial not, Draconian WIP (Work In Progress), Alien unsure
Beastial has bugs and broken techtrees. Bestial also doesn't have all the researches it should.


Description & Presentation: Description has author, screenshots, and credits. Missing if map is protected or unprotected (Open source/Need permission), misleading catagory. Altered melee must have the same base as melee, such as a starting main building, creeps gives items and gold, and much more. The maps only category only fits in Strategy / Risk.

As organized your description is, it gives me a bland note on how to play. You gave the reader three steps. Pick race, (That's okay to leave in there), colonies planets (Fine also), and destroy your enemies. Please put how to destroy my enemies. People might just think it's just another game where you spam units, don't know about getting resources, not knowing about the creep system, etc.

Glad that you have quests and a loading screen though.


For the map to be put out for public, it must follow the http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/rules-information-710/map-submission-rules-228244/ , there are rules not followed. Please note that a map's rating does not determine approval. List:

-Protected/Open source indicator
-Good description
-Work In Progress (Please upload the map when you are finished with it! Map should just have updates, not huge add ons such as one more race coming. If we allow it, we would have to check the over the map again to see if it follows the rules)

As a major standard isn't met for the map section, I have to vote for
SCORE: 2.3/5.0
(+1) Reputation points for uploading and the hard work (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/site-discussion-97/reputation-faq-94520/). I can tell you worked hard on the map, as it is supposed to turn out as one of those epic strategies. If you have any questions about this review, or if I'm wrong about something, feel free to tell me. Please do consider to re-upload when the map is finished! If you need beta testers, you can always post about your map here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/

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Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
It's strange how you mix footmen and swordmen with modern tanks. I think it's unsuitable. Whether all modern or all medivial, not a mix of both which seems very strange.
I notice also that the terrain at the boss creep is pretty bad. Flat and made with one tile.
This map needs some refinements. Once they're done, I'll review this map.

Maybe they have good technologies but they wanted the old medivial fightning style, with sword, bows and magic.
Level 2
May 9, 2014
Sure you don't got any questions?

@hip hop. Hey new guy. That was a lame assumption :D
I tested map and I'm trying to fix some of those bugs you mentioned, got the Bombard Tower and Weretiger fixed now and about those workers dying, it's the Endurance Training that does that, not sure why. For now I'm going to post the updated versions of my map in the Map Developement Forum until it is complete.
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