This is my map, the first one i made.
2 bosses vs 9 heroes, still a bit in beta version but good enough to play with friends.
Goal is bosses get to the heroes main base and destroy their main tower, heroes prepare with items, tomes and levels. A few mercs are available for heroes while bosses get 2 unit spawners. Bosses gather gold via the wards and the archers firing at the wards. Heroes get gold via the tuskarr bounty as the town guard explains. There are 4 hero bases and 1 main area for the boss to try to get too. Enjoy!
Credits: Citymaker, Terrain, units, Idea, almost everything
Thecharon: boss Golding Idea
Bounty235: Creating first terrain, trigs, and helping me through it.
Plains,snow,plains of snow, wolf, RPG, protecting,