I gave a hero the Phoenix Morphing (Normal spell). Its pretty buggy, like if you change the Normal Unit form, the spell goes totally buggy. If you change normal unit form when the spell is Classified as Normal spell, then when your hero dies, the hero will become invisible, and the hero model will stay in a position(if you walk with the invisible hero the model will do walk animation), and the phoenix goes on forever (when the phoenix ends, it starts again) If it is classified as hero spell, it will do 2 phoenix then the hero comes back. IN the first, hero is invisible, and second one is normal. If you don't change Normal Unit Form, the spell works perfectly, expect Hero Level goes to 1 after Phoenix Morphing, if hero art color is changed, it is resetted to default, and HEro skills are unlearned.
I want to know that how to make this spell work, since i really like this spell.
P.S here is minor bug, the hero plays Dead Animation after Phoenix, but if you move him he raises up asap and funcions normal.
I want to know that how to make this spell work, since i really like this spell.
P.S here is minor bug, the hero plays Dead Animation after Phoenix, but if you move him he raises up asap and funcions normal.