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Peon-Pong Tank

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Reactions: deepstrasz
DA Peon Pong is most pawerFUlla Siege Unit Eva. Can tear down any wall, shot dawn any dragon, kill any living thinGa, even shot dawn Sun and (Sailor) Moon. Sailor too.

Vict0r of m0dl comp0 7

Siege, tank, peon, ping pong catapult

Peon-Pong Tank (Model)

Peon-Pong Tank (Model)

[APPROVED] March 12th, 2008 Congratulations, 1st place winner! --donut3.5--




March 12th, 2008
Mesh: (11/15)
Very nice mesh, basic but did the job. I liked the paddle. The ball was a little uneven though, which seemed odd to me. Also the odd edges on it caused strange lighting in the game.

Animations: (3/10)
Probably the worst part about this model.
Too many static animations, the death animation was completely unanimated, and the peon had too little motion in general.
One final bug: The ping pong ball ingame did some crazy things while visible between attacks. It's hard to explain, I'd check it out for myself if I were you.

Textures: (6/10)
I don't like plain color textures, but the fact its a ping pong ball saved you.
Also the creative use for the control panel. That made me up the score on this.

Mechanics: (5/5)
Worked perfectly ingame, nice portrait, and used minimal reference points.

Effects: (5/5)
The death was nice, and the extra missile was nice as well.

Creativity: (5/5)
Coolest idea in this competition. Enough said.

Total: (35/50)
Congratulations, 1st place winner!