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Pathing switch?

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Level 9
Jul 1, 2005
Is there a way I can trigger a path or set of paths to change directions and turn the creeps around in the direction of the change when a numbered region is touched?

Each time a switch occures a different region has to be touched to trigger the pathing switch.

This is for a new TD I am starting.

Like if I have a path that goes like this:

----> ----> -----> -----> ----> ----> 0

Switch it to go like this:

0 <---- <---- <---- <---- <----- <-----

Then switch it back :

----> ----> -----> -----> 0

Switch it to go like this:

0 <---- <---- <----- <-----

Then switch it back to switch:

----> ----> 0

Switch it to go like this:

0 <----- <-----

Then as a last switch I want the gates surrounding the center to open and all the creeps to head into the center.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
use regions and custom values. When a unit starts,. its custom value is 0 ( this drawing will use o for a region )

here is what it will look like

0 2 4 3 1

the number above each region represents the custom value the unit must have to activate it.

When the unit enters region 0, make his Custom Value 1, then ordfer him to move to region 1

make sure region 1 has a condition Custom Value of Entering Unit Equal to 1.

from there, his Cuustom Value is set to 2, he is ordered to region 2, and the appropriate Custom Value condition is placed in the trigger for region 2

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