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[Trigger] Passive Ability Problems.

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Level 8
Sep 25, 2007
hi ppl .. i was thinking in make a "Passive" abilty , that it is like DotA's Radiance. if you dont play DotA , i will explain you what the Passive does.

well , the Passive is lika inmolation , but it is Passive , and the Effect is Different on Affected Units ( the unit that have the ability doesnt have any Aura ... but the Affected Creeps , Heros , Neutral , Etc. Have Like a "Bright" that gives them 8% chances to miss and Hurt them for 35 every 1.5 secs...)

i was planning on making it this way.
I dunno how to Use trigger Tags so sry.

A Unit Starts the Effect of an Ability.
Ability Being Cast = Radiance
Set Radiance_Point: (Position of Triggering Unit)
Set Radiance_Unit: (Position of Attacked Unit)
Unit - Cause (Triggering Unit) to damage circular area After 1.5 seconds of Radius 400 at Radiance_Point , dealing 35 damage of Attack Type Magic and Damage type Normal.
Special Effect - Create Special Effect (Healing Spray) at Radiance_Unit.
Custom Script - call RemoveLocation(udg_Radiance_Point)
Custom Script - call RemoveLocation(udg_Radiance_Unit)
Special Effect - Destroy Last Special Effect.

i got that idea... any1 that can help me do it? also , i dunno how to make the 8% miss chances to enemies. and the Bright special effect doesnt show T_T.
HELp xD.
Level 15
Jan 16, 2008
You complicated things beyond all bounds... Use of triggers is completely unnecessary in this case. Just base your ability of the Infernal's permanent immolation. It's passive and does damage per second. Now about that missing part. You should set triggers to cast pandaren's missing thing(can't remember the name) witch's chance to miss is set to 8% and set a dummy unit to cast it on all units affected by the radiance. Set the dummy unit to cast it periodically and set it's duration on the casting period. That should do it.
Level 8
Sep 25, 2007
ok ... i will use Infernal Thing... but any clue of which is the Special Effect? (the bright/lights one.).
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