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Pass-Along Terraining

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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007

Rightio, fellow Terrainers. I've had this idea,
let's make a thread where we share our works between us,
it can be finished pieces, works you just never got around to
finish or anything in between. The idea is to pass the terrain along,
if the work is finished you can post it to have others
work their way around it to make a unique and different version,
if it isn't finished... Well, what's the good of it simply
gathering dust in your folder?

In this way, both veteran and up-and-coming terrainers,
as well as beginners, might have enjoyment browsing this thread.
Veteran terrainers get to fiddle around with other people's terrains,
up-and-coming terrainers get to look up techniques and styles by
the veterans and so too might beginners do. It's all for good
sport and for spiking a little something different for us to find
new interest in terraining. So bring out them skeletons!

I'll kick off by sharing a terrain I started doing but
never got around to finishing, it's not much, but I
really had a great idea for it, let's see if anyone of
you feel up to finishing it :)

Download Link


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Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
Time to rummage through the vault for you fools!
I really like this idea, but I won't dare touch your terrain because the level of construction that it requires is too much for the likes of me! Guess I'll wait for other people to come in.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Say hello to very roughly generic dawn over waterplane landscape. Something I found on my old HDD gathering dust. Last time I worked on this was probably early 2012 so yeah that's cool. I think it straddles the point where it doesn't have too much of my imprint on it while still being a nice start.

Download here!

Also you may need some time getting used to my untidy object editor management.


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Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
The more we share the more we have.
Keiji, a very innovative way to disseminate terraining knowledge.
For now I will be the one who will be rummaging through Veterans' terrains and perhaps in due time include some of my own to be rummaged by others.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
I am loving this idea! I must say I love making constrctions but never cared for toying around with lighting. So I might wip up so more doom machines or something. ;)
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
Quick idea. Why don't we just try to have one post per terrainer, and they just keep it updated with their uncompleted works on one half of the post and other peoples work that they have completed on the other half of the post? Any time a new person wants to start doing some work they'd just make a post following some sort of loose template.

Seems like it would keep this thread from getting unnecessarily cluttered and would keep everybody's individual work in one spot.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Quick idea. Why don't we just try to have one post per terrainer, and they just keep it updated with their uncompleted works on one half of the post and other peoples work that they have completed on the other half of the post? Any time a new person wants to start doing some work they'd just make a post following some sort of loose template.

Seems like it would keep this thread from getting unnecessarily cluttered and would keep everybody's individual work in one spot.

I don't see that it'd be necessary, that, and to me this sounds like too much seriousness for a thread like this.

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Is this limited to scenic terrains or is playable terrains allowed? If it is then I have a terrain to share. :D

I'd actually like to see playable terrains too. Despite not being as breath-taking as scenic ones, they can be very incredible and interesting to explore, at least for me that is.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Yeah, well.

In the essence of the message of this thread, to share knowledge and challenge one-another
to pick up where someone else started and whatnot, then, I don't really have anything against
sharing playables, I do actually have some myself.

However, this thread isn't about tricking people into finishing your work for you,
obviously if someone wants to do it, then that's fine, but it's about sharing knowledge,
not requesting people to do your map for you. Savvy?

Anyway, in the spirit of what this thread is, I'll post a very rough fiddle I did with fladder's terrain. If I can pull off what I'm aiming for, then I'll be a very happy terrainer :)


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Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
However, this thread isn't about tricking people into finishing your work for you,
obviously if someone wants to do it, then that's fine, but it's about sharing knowledge,
not requesting people to do your map for you. Savvy?

I did not mean to trick people into completing the map for me. In fact, the map is already finished (The terrain part I mean). I was just curious if people could make something new out of the terrain. Savvy? :D

But if you guys want a scenic terrain, I can take the playable map, get an angle, make a camera then a screenshot, then viola. A scenic terrain. I sulk at it though.
Anyway, here's a terrain that was supposed to be for a contest in Kaelicious but never got to finishing.
The Red Christmas Terraining Contest Map.w3x
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
I sulk at it though.

I sulk at it too, such a sad terrain.

I did not mean to trick people into completing the map for me.

Nor was I saying that's what you meant. That's why I said it was ok, I merely don't want to
give the impression that people should do that, should someone post a playable terrain.
... savvy?

EDIT: Since nobody else has shared their finished works I guess I could do the honor of doing so. This here is "War of Wits" you might remember it, you might not, it's one of my personal favorites among my terrains. Now, let's see if any of you dare take up the challenge to molest it and give birth to a different kind of monster >:)

Download Link


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Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
W O A W! Wonderful Idea! I was constantly bragging about how I want to add my perverted touch to others terrains. It's easier for others to see your defects than it is for you. Just won't have time for it now! :sad:

Keiji, I demand your terrain from the "Terraining Contest #15"! I want to make a experiment!
Would that be ok?

Edit: The "War of Wits" just seems perfect to me. I wouldn't dare touch it since If I did it would became something else entirely plus it's too much work to convert. The reason are the units, that's why I prefer "A Heartily Homecoming" instead + I have a vision on that. I could make some normal adjustments but I just can't find any flaws.

Edit: Would someone be interested in doing something to this? It's done in the traditional way, not satisfied with the lighting. From my Over the Hills map, just click on my signature and the Download is there (somewhere). Too lazy to post!


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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
I could make some normal adjustments but I just can't find any flaws.

Well, the sky/fog transition could be better, the forests could do with a little more love and the sky
in general is just plain boring. Considering it's age, though, I don't care much for improving it myself.

Oh, and, the idea of sharing isn't about showing respect. When I share a map I don't care what you
do to it, as long as you don't go about claiming it as your own work without changing it. You are at
complete liberty to do anything you'd like to do with the maps I share :)

Keiji, I demand your terrain from the "Terraining Contest #15"! I want to make a experiment!

I'll consider it.

Would someone be interested in doing something to this?

Fuck interest, share away.
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
Well, the sky/fog transition could be better, the forests could do with a little more love and the sky
in general is just plain boring. Considering it's age, though, I don't care much for improving it myself... etc
Well I like the way it is and I started to notice the way you use the combination of blue and green which I really find pleasant. Actually I could be adding something there to the sky and fog, whatever my brain is telling me. Maybe I'll think if I want to do it. I'm really set on "A Heartily Homecoming" for now.
Oh, and, the idea of sharing isn't about showing respect. When I share a map I don't care what you
do to it, as long as you don't go about claiming it as your own work without changing it. You are at
complete liberty to do anything you'd like to do with the maps I share :)
I'll consider it.
Please do! I don't know if you remember but I said something about shadow play with the 2 barely visible lanterns in your scene, It would be looking something like this.

I also haven't actually tried a night environment before. My first terrain option for the contest (the one with the characters) would be my first try and I also thought that yours would be interesting especially with the horror theme going well with the shadows. Your map is also a good opportunity to try bump for the first time, think it would look good!

Actually forget about the previous terrain you'd have problems opening the map anyway!
Instead I would like someone to continue this! I was considering it finishes at the time but now I really can see that it's terribly poor. People used to tell me that I had a depth perception problem and I used to throw around some over big trees in the background. Still needs more!



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Unfinished Terrains Pack by me.
Contains :
#OldPieceTerrain1.png - #OldPieceTerrain2.png - #OldPieceTerrain4.png

Read Me [Source : ReadMe file inside the archive]
Proudly to give you my old [s]but useful[/s] junk Terrains that i did the past year. I still have 10+ maps to share in the next archive , just .... wait for it :).

Be sure to credit me if you edit it. You are also free to collaborate with me so that i can help. :)
You are not allowed to own/claim these maps fully :P If you are going to upload an official screenshot , be sure that i also have my signature.

You are also allowed to extract the imported files , because all of the models that i used are not mine. 
Those Base/Scifi models are from XGM. Do credit the author , just search for him in that forum. 

Your friendly terrainer,
~StryderZero [Yes Sir!]


Hey Keiji , why you did'nt stickied this thread?


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The only one I have ideas on is this one

That suppose to be my latest terrain but sadly ... [I failed]
It was inspired in the game "Riptide GP2 in Android" I always try to make Science-Fiction terrains but i always fail. If you're interested to work for it , it'll be nice :)

Hello momma!
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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Well, I've been rather busy doing... Other things, as of late.
So there haven't been a good deal of progress.

I'm currently struggling with making a fitting flora for the terrain,
considering it's supposed to be some kind of alien planet I'd like
to use alien looking plants, sadly, those aren't flowing over around
here. So, I'm experimenting with what I can do with the Outland


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Level 11
Aug 28, 2009
Awesome idea Keiji,hope this thread gets more active,it has a lot of potential.

The alien world terrain is looking damn sweet! but i think the light in the sky cuts of rather drastically,shouldn't it be more gradual,I'm referring to the top left corner

I felt compelled to share something with you guys,soo i dug up one old tarrain, deus ex inspired,it's quite old didn't touch it in more than 2 years, ran out of ideas
+ a little surprise

Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
The alien world terrain is looking damn sweet! but i think the light in the sky cuts of rather drastically,shouldn't it be more gradual,I'm referring to the top left corner

Why, thank you, love :)

About the skies, while I'm personally extremely pleased with the result of it, I could agree that yes, realistically it should be a tiny bit more gradual, but, really el, do you even know how much of a bitch it is working with the Dark Glow model at such a distance and such a big number? Don't be so damned nit-picky :)

Oh, and, would you mind attaching images of those two maps? I'd like to see if I can/want to do something with them before I download.

Also, for the sake of asking, do anyone know of any nature doodads that might fit for a alien planet terrain?
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
Also, for the sake of asking, do anyone know of any nature doodads that might fit for a alien planet terrain?
Maybe this is where Starcraft 2 comes in quite handy, it's got some really nice alien plant or you could try some mushrooms models from WOW If it's not against any of the Hive's rules, as I understand anything blizzard related is allowed. Or you could try using some creatures or merge them together so that they look like plants?!


----------> m1 m2

I'm still participating in this but my time is also reserved for daily activities. I decided to make Strydes terrain or more like collab with him. Hoping it will turn out great.
elredir, the second pic is stunning, the first one also looks good but I like the fog and light in the second more.
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
It looks pretty damn nice but I was expecting something more wild! It's a lot simpler than I imagined it to be, although nice like this as well, maybe there would be more stuff hidden in the fog like some rocks and more plants probably. And that mechanical thing from the bottom right, feels like it needs a connection to something, maybe some pipes leading behind the bridge to the facilities? Seems a bit out of place, somewhat. I love the background, the sky is perfect! I know that accent is on the background probably but I feel something more can be done with the foreground without ruining the background.
D: , what happened to this thread.

Okay so heres another pack of junk maps i did recently. :)

Sadly , i cant do any more "interesting" terrains this days so i decided to share it , maybe there's someone interested to continue it.



"2069 : The New World"

I think i must leave "scenic terraining" and just make some "playable terrains" instead.

Be sure to give credit for my work/s :D


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'though, I'm pretty sure there was already a thread to dump in unfinished works.
I can't be bothered to working with this anymore; but then again, I only threw in a few minutes to it.
Suppose I was missing motivation altogether.

If you so much as need my inspiration;
Nobody does shit with the world tree, therefore I thought I turn it into a naboo/similiar natural structure. As you can see, I've only really done the /tree/ part of the terrain; it's missing the background, shadowing, fogging, structure and proper surroundings.

Think of a combination of these two:
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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006

The left side (while great) doesn't fit with the mid/right side. I realize you just said "won't finish ever", but I still enjoy pointing out flaws in amazing work so that I feel better about myself.
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