• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Paladin Champion

A model I made out of boredom. I experimented with textures and this came out. I am pretty satisfied in the end. Uses @Kwaliti 's animations and bones from his awesome The Lich King model. I guess the model ended like a counterpart to a Lich King. Could easily be used as a human LK.

I asked him for the permission but he is offline since May 17, 2018 so I still wait for his answer. Though I remember I asked him about permission some time ago and he was okay, so I guess he will be okay with me uploading this model.

Give credits to both of us if you use it.

Paladin Champion (Model)

Paladin Champion_Portrait (Model)

General Frank
Works in-game, performs appropriately and is a good addition to the model section.
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
yet another good model, though what i would comment this time is why is everyone trying to make their paladins look like holy super human armored gods with golden armor, this is not very,,,, well shortly said useful. the oversaturation of these types of models is what makes them burnt out for me right on spot, i would maybe guess this is based on a picture somewhere.

though the quality is outstanding as a model. but we map makers also need some good looking models that don't look like a marvel hero's too.
and why always hero the rate of units compared to hero's getting posted in hive model section is quite low, when was even the last time someone tried to post a solid spell animation and effect ? that's also low.

my vote for this is 4/5 still a nice job.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Not a huge fan. While the chosen texture is a creative choice, the whole wrap is very messy and looks like a huge indistiguishable blob. The countless number of lines and shapes makes it really weird to look at and shows no distinguished style or concept that was followed. Using the same texture for the whole body, the sword handle and EVEN the blade makes it even more boring to the eye. The mesh itself is nice, although a bit generic. the runes and the chains additionally add to the messiness of the whole thing. If you look at him from game perspective, he looks like a Transformer/Autobot/Decepticon more than he does look like a paladin.

The one point I normally criticise on your models, is the one you did the best job at: the head. It looks unique, has a creative texture choice and also looks epic and not weird/derpy/unproportional, as a lot of your older models tended to do.

It's not a bad model, but seems overyhastily done. While the original texture choice is creative, the usage of such seems really lacking and crude.
Level 2
May 16, 2018
Hi, Stefan. I'm a Brazilian guy (sorry for my poor english), and i'm trying to make a WC3 map adaptation for a great brazilian RPG world, called Tormenta RPG. I'm working in a Paladin from the Justice Order called Alenn Toren, and this model is so close for what i'm looking... but he is an afroman. And i can't find no one afro models...

Culd u make a blackskin model with a afro hair and a eye slap in the left eye for this Paladin?
Thank u so much!

This is him: Alenn Toren Greenfeld