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ORPG Terrain Question???

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Level 3
Feb 15, 2008
Hi, I'm not really interested in making an ORPG, however I AM interested in making a campaign, and every piece of knowledge helps.
I've noticed that there is a way to make an ORPG to make them seem huge when you are actually playing them. I was curious as to how you do this? More specifically how DO you terrain an ORPG and set it up so that you have an epic sized map seem truly epic while playing it?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I'd use a similar method as The Kingdom of Kaliron. Instead of making a huge map, just make each area take a while, and have lots to do in small areas. Lots of quests, bosses, drops to get ect.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
i think what he really means, is how for instance

on a first person map ( camera view is behind your character and moves with you etc ) , they make your unit small ( .5 scale instead of the default 1.0 scale) then they make buildings, trees and etc 1/2 larger ( 1.5 scale, instead of 1.0 ) Then by shrinking the camera to match the distance between you and those objects, it looks like it is a real epic world RPG.

Ill show you a pic of what i mean ( hard to explain in words.)

here i got the picz


  • RPGPIC 1!!.jpg
    RPGPIC 1!!.jpg
    263.8 KB · Views: 119
  • RPGPIC2!!!.jpg
    167.9 KB · Views: 105
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Level 3
Feb 15, 2008
man... he means that it looks epic, like, everything is much more huge and such, and if you enter a castle on a mountain you can see all the trees below very wide down and such, simply epic.

Yeah, this is what I was after. I think doing this along with the scaling idea would get me the look i'm after.

I'd use a similar method as The Kingdom of Kaliron. Instead of making a huge map, just make each area take a while, and have lots to do in small areas. Lots of quests, bosses, drops to get ect.

This was also done in Neverwinter Nights RPG, and I just finished that today, its incredibly fun, its the best RPG style map I've played. I love the ideas of NNRPG and KoK so I might use some aspects of both.

Thanks for all the useful information, and if you have any more information you'd like to share, I'll be more than happy to accept :thumbs_up:
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
i advise that if ur gonna make a highly detailed terrain, you MUST download the UTM :

THE ULTIMATE TERRAIN MAP ! * booming voice xD*

its the second sticky thread on the terrain forums. If you get it, trust me you will be VERY happy.

and its only 4 MB ( less) big.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Thread cleaned. Again my apologies, as I started the Off-Topic discussion.
Back on topic:

I hope you aren't using the actual UTM to make your map! I hope you're importing into another map.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
but why wouldn't he use the UTM, isn't it a big hassle to find the models and skins you want, then finding them again to import them, then renaming the skins to work, then restarting the WE, and finnally having to update every single custom object you want ?

its not that hard to take the UTm, use the doodads, and then delete the extra imports you dont need. It may take a good 10 boring minutes to delete them, but so what?

and plus, the UTM has the super high cliff thing... which is nifty sometimes.

I hate cameras. It may look cool, but it kills the gameplay.

not nessesarily. I depends on the map.
If ur playing kingdom of Kaliron, its best to used the overhead camera, because of the vast amounts of doodads in it, that would otherwise look ugly if it was an RPG camera

Rpg cameras also give you the chance to actually LOOK at a sky during gameplay .
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
but why wouldn't he use the UTM, isn't it a big hassle to find the models and skins you want, then finding them again to import them, then renaming the skins to work, then restarting the WE, and finnally having to update every single custom object you want ?

its not that hard to take the UTm, use the doodads, and then delete the extra imports you dont need. It may take a good 10 boring minutes to delete them, but so what?

and plus, the UTM has the super high cliff thing... which is nifty sometimes.
Super high cliff thing is Miscdata.txt, not UTM.

I've tried it your way, and trust me it takes longer than 10 minutes. As well, nothing has a pathing texture.

I'm talking from experience. It's a pain in the ass to use the UTM for actual maps. It was never intended for it.
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