I rate this resource by 1/5 and I suggest it to be Rejected because of it's unacceptable quality.
1. Description at THW needs to be improved.
2. Map Description is also lacking, also please remove the vulgar word in it.
3. I've noticed few sentences that was written not in english, at the Loading Screen description.
4. One of worst terrain and enviroment art ever. Walls was spotted randomly way, trees aswell.
5. Lave rocks, Icecrown Glacier Rocks, Icebergs, Crystals at the Ashenvale? Wake up.
6. Missing DISBTN icon files.
7. Abilities' learn tooltips few spells' Hot-Keys confuses because of the same letter.
8. Here's no dropable items from creeps.
9. Not existing victory / defeat conditions.
10. Multiboard is not working the right way, if it does at all.
Afterall, your map is not interesting and it is an ass pain to play it. Please upload your firsts projects to EpicWar.com, here's the wrong place for such works.