Feel my wrath:
Oh, and this thread is pathetic. First of all, none of us acted like that. I think you just spoke about the mods I know the best (oh yeah, and me), and I doubt that you could copy even Britney Spears. Though acting so... blonde is easy as a pie.
Your Veggie copy sounded like a 6 years old immature kid. Let's face it. Veggie is 26, he would need to be affected by some... hmm, very strange disease to act that way. Since when the phrase "This is bad Doodi"??? I think he would rather say "Warned!".
The DDNGW is... even worse. I've seen DDNGW's closing threads and he doesn't really act that way. He closes those threads for a reason.
Mecheon... Well, maybe he flames quite a bit around when he's angry... But the "I'm very mad" stuff... nope!
Ok dude, and now let's get to me. You don't know me A BIT. Where did you get all this shit? You apparently have seen me posting in a SINGLE thread about the Daelin Proudmoore stuff. I never act that way, I never said that Human Side/Elven Side shit, and mostly, I say "OMG!" not "Omg".
This was awful. You can make such "joke" threads, if you atleast KNOW something about us. You joined... 3 days ago and you think that you already know us? I'm not taking it seriously, I'm taking it as a bad joke.
Oh, and here's an Oz02 mimic: "Thread closed!".
End of story.