alcoyteofdoom, well, its not a geomerge, its not an animation transfer, then what is it? strange how the tutorial said it was a scratch model. an its not just moving vertecies, youd know that if you read the tutorial. dont clay modelers make their models from clay? they dont make the clay as they form it. its no differnt from how i mold a primitive into a form. but i dont care, go ahead, flame it and downrate it. i know i can do better than this. besides the tutorail itself said it was a scratch model, either im being misinformed, or your just wrong. i didnt ask your opinion if this is a scatch model or not, all i care is your opinion of the quality of the model. so if it makes you happy and shuts you up, ill change the info to say that i made this by molding primitives, like anyone cares.