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Ogre Worker/Peasant\Peon

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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While waiting for my skins to be rated by the moderators here, I decided to try my hand at modelling. I noticed a lack of Ogre models, and specifically, Ogre Workers, so... Here you are.

Feel free to edit/use this as you wish, as long as you credit me!

Ogre, Worker, Slaver, Peon, Drudge, Grunt, SRSLY LOLO

Ogre Worker/Peasant\Peon (Model)

Ogre Worker/Peasant\Peon (Model)

07:49, 3rd Apr 2010 DonDustin: I like the idea, but the changes are too small for now, as you basicly only changed the weapon, added lumber and gold and some animations. It would be great if you would make additional mesh edits




07:49, 3rd Apr 2010
DonDustin: I like the idea, but the changes are too small for now, as you basicly only changed the weapon, added lumber and gold and some animations.

It would be great if you would make additional mesh edits