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How to make workers

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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
I wonder how you turn models into workers with the workers animations. I just saw a gnoll worker, a forest troll worker etc. I wonder how you "transfer" the anims from example the peon to the, like in my case, ogre, so that when he chops wood and wishes to return it he carries the wood over his shoulder. If this is hard, perhaps I can make a request and someone can do it for me? A normal ogre, not the magi or the armored one. One-headed btw.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Ok, i can try make u an ogre worker but it will take me some time... BTW, one headed or two headed? if 2 headed it will take abbbout a day... if 1 head then it like 25mins...

Gemorge:Geoset Merge.Like in my model(REJECTED, CRAP I HATE GENERAL FRANK HE THINKS I STEALED IT), i just taked the peon and gave him a forest troll head...
Remap:i thinkhe means UV maping... u take a model and choose how it will "look with the skin".texture coordinates, oinkerwinkle call it... can be EASILY done with vertex modify or 3ds max 5.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Well I dont know which animations are best suited, I just need the anims related to lumber chopping, as he's like a ghoul and can't mine gold and can only chop wood, though he should be able to construct buildings like peasants ( not like peon or so ), so need a neat construct building anim as well.

For the weapon.. Hmm.. Give him an axe, maybe from grunt if you can make it bigger, not as small as the grunt's.
Thank you so much btw.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
OK, sorry for long time i didnt anything i was on a trip...

so current progress:
I got a peasant with a head of an ogre(and that spike that on his head... i did it curved if u dont mind) with grunts big axe that got 2 sides(like a battleaxe) and w/o any gold anims... thats ok?

and dont worry its just a W.I.P(work in progress)...

il update u for anything new will happen ill post here(edit post).

EDIT:I got another question: can i make him just with the stonemaul ogre portrait or i have to make a new one? im a noob at making portraits...

EDIT:I got a little problem, the lumber is "stuck" on him. it shows on all anims, maybe General Frank can make a better model for u, but anyways il try to make him normal again.Btw, i talked awhile with general frank and he said that he will do that model for u, and u will decide wich model better(My or General Frank's.).
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Well, I'm going to do this for you because I don't like to see people who really don't know what they're doing, do something that's rather easy.

So my question is,
- what base mode should the model use (in this case peasant or orge would be good)
- what characteristics should it have (armour, weapons)
- and what animations.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
General Frank, I am honored by your presence.

The base model, I think would be nice if you started with a ogre and turned him into a worker. Afterward for your second question weapons and armor, give him a axe of some kind, such as the axe the grunt wields if u can resize it to the size of an ogre. Any armor, well a wolf pelt as a cloak would be really cool if it was possible actually. For the animations, the peasant worker animations

Thanks once more, General.
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